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Where the hell did that come from?

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Level 22
May 11, 2004
Its a new site sponser. A guy has been in contact with me for the past few weeks trying to get a banner put up onto the site...was willing to pay, too. Finally got in contact with Darky to relay the message, they got talking....and there you go. It's worth $30 a month (thats up to $360 a year...how's that for relievingsome of Darky's financial burden?), so be sure to give it some traffic :wink:
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Selling/buying WoW gold/items/accounts is illegal. It's a shame to see such a good site have such a thing...I highly suggest it be removed before someone reports it to Blizzard.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Lord Finarfin said:
Selling/buying WoW gold/items/accounts is illegal. It's a shame to see such a good site have such a thing...I highly suggest it be removed before someone reports it to Blizzard.

As respectable as you may be i would like to see you in darkys shoes and cope with trying to keep this site alive, i dont know what his financial status is but it would be from the utmost help to him with keeping this site alive.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Despite whatever Darkys financial status may be, hosting a link to a site where illegal activities take place is NOT the way to pay for the site.
Level 9
Jun 28, 2005
Lord Finarfin said:
Despite whatever Darkys financial status may be, hosting a link to a site where illegal activities take place is NOT the way to pay for the site.

so so true if he gets caught out it will mean alot more money to pay its called a fine mayby you might want to have that in the links section best not on the front page
Oh go whine about it somewhere else, these kinds of links are alot of places warcraft related, its not like this is the ONLY site ever having that kind of wow gold add :roll:

I think theres several other places blizzard would want to tjeck out first (Google's adds for one) before this, and btw I dont really think they care (but I ofc dont know that for sure :p ).
Level 9
Jun 28, 2005
mayby im wrong but selling something for a game like an an item you use in it is a cheap way to get money its an opnion not a fact so far
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
VGsatomi said:
Exactly where does it say is it illegal to sell virtual items/gold? Closest thing I know is that ebay canned that stuff a long while back. Is it in Blizz's terms of service when signing up for a wow account?

Yes, it's stated in the terms.

And I'm not whining, ragingspeedhorn, I'm merely advising the site to be cautious about such things.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Yes, gold selling is illegal. Yes, I hate it. Yes, I gank the gold farmers like there is no tommorow

However, why the hell should we worry about anyone reporting anything to Blizzard? They have no power over this website
Level 7
May 6, 2005
I'm highly against that banner. Why?

A. Gold selling is illegal, it can be the reason this site will be shut down (but btw, it wasn't the first illegal thing here, for example the WoW icons are illegal too).

B. This is a Warcraft 3 community, not a World of Warcraft community. He could've put it at his WoW site, seriously.

I agree with Mecheon, it should to be removed.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Again i stick to the fact the it would help Darky, but if blizzard didnt want gold to be able to be bought then they would have made it so that you cant im sure that they are smarter than that.

My Brother plays Wow, he says that he knows people that have bought WoW gold from a site and he is still talking to them to this day and they havnt been banded. You would have to know wat they do to get the gold to the buyer before u can criticize the selling of the gold, that is wat my brother believes and when he hears something about the buying gold thing he will tell me and i will keep u informed.
Level 17
Sep 29, 2003
That banner helps me reduce the site cost by 30$ a month, which helps already.
The cash i receive from the google ads are near zero, because people dont click the ads.
I'm really bleeding finacially at the moment because of the site.
As a student with barely any income its a huge financial ^burden to maintain a website as big as Wc3sear.ch
Remember we have 0.92 terrabyte traffic a month... average and the tendency is raising.


Level 12
Apr 29, 2005
Oh - my - God! I can hardly believe my eyes! Is it really you Darky! *The clouds separates and a light from Heaven shines on the earth.* Really happy to see you are back! :D
And by the way, I use to click on google adds almost every time I log in. The times I don't is becouse I forgot it.
Level 2
Jul 25, 2005
Lord Finarfin said:
Despite whatever Darkys financial status may be, hosting a link to a site where illegal activities take place is NOT the way to pay for the site.

I thought it was a spyware of this computer.

But I would say that since Darky is the owner of this site he can do whatever he wants with it
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
ya, i guess. But I WILL NEVER click on an ADD (only if its somethin about werewolfs and dragons)
Dam...I click on one and them my computer will be dead completely...
Hmm..dam virues attacked my regestry, and now i hav to pay microsoft to fix it. dam u microsoft!! why must u mock me with the virues u built in our comps already...oops....dam...gotta keep my mouth shut...
Sigh....i just scanned my comp with this msprog and it says i hav 2330 interal crital error threads.
Which will eventually crash and damage my system permenantly.
Grr...better reformat quick!!
Also i suggest u to never giv this site pop up if ur thinkin about...
I DONT trust that paypal thing...every time i enter i get a illegal cookie blocked from taht site (cuz of the banner)
Grr...darky..why?..why dont u just clean out some resources and old topics and accounts to safe traffic?
I mean, so many ugly models and icons. I saw a model the other day and it didnt have any anims at all!
Hm.....instead of stacking over junk, cant we get the junk out fisrt to save traffic?
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Wulf, I repeat myself again: Its Internet Explorer at work

Anywho, I easily know how to purge the registary of viruses. Start your computer in Safe Mode (Bash F10 or F12 while its starting up) and then unleash a storm of virus-deleting mayhem
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
no. i am keeping my precious internet explorer.
but i got up this morninga and the number of corupted files increased by about 200-300.
I'm scared...hmmm..will taht safe mode virus fighters game help lol. Hmmm.....i'll try that..but thats way too easy. mayvbe that wont work.

Also my computers not old at all. Ever since the hacker attacked (from that dam hosthelper) it embeded and changed one of the system files. But meh..its dead goen and that file was just renamed, not remade.
Also its not just the regestery files..its random stuff aswell...like my pictures, cookies (EVIL),tempary interent files and shortcuts.
This IS a virus right? And if i take EI off to save myself many of my programs wont work..like psp8
Level 13
Jul 4, 2005
I once had a big battle with a f***ing virus, however haven't internet then.

This virus started automaticly when OS started, and infected random executables in whole system. I won't descript it, but it finished as OS reinstallation, Search (modification date > xxx), and then TuneUp Delete to erase all those f**** bugs I found.
Level 3
Sep 21, 2005
man now i am getting REALLY pissed... i just searched the whole damn screen and i didnt see where were those anoying ads by google... heck, i even changed my screen resolution to 1024x768 and i didnt see it either, can somebody help me out?

werewulf i know whats ur problem... when u ran that damn host helper, it messed up with ur router (so u could host in bnet), allowing all crap to enter into ur pc... all u gotta do is reset ur router configuration to its default configuration
Level 4
May 15, 2005
I have never clicked the ads and i never
will. It takes 10 seconds off of my life if i
do, and to me, time is money.

I might tell my mate who was banned from this site
about it, he might be interested. He kinda wants
revenge. Or if i was really nasty i could just print
screen and send to blizz, as well, as i hear you do
iligal icons :twisted: . . . but, luckily im not
nasty, and would never do such a thing :D

p.s: darky has not been on thisi ste for 12 days, he has been playing wow -.-
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
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