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When i turn it on it restarts

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Level 6
Nov 1, 2007
try running it in safemode, to do this start the computer up and spam the F8 key, then a new screen will appear with options, choose the option with safe mode with the arrow keys and hit enter.

if you get onto the desktop while in safemode then you know you have a virus (because running in safe mode basically makes it that your computer will only run everything that is needed for windows to function).
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
The problem is that your harddrive has crashed. I had this problem with my old (2002) HP Pavillion for a long time, it happened 3 times over the course of its life, and the only way I could solve it is reformating.

Note that reformating is most likely your only option, and it will erase all of the data on the drive. That doesn't really matter at this point, because it's the only option you have.

And don't despair: You can recover a good 98% of the files using a recovery solution, such as Data Doctor or Recover My Files. They cost money, but they allow you to get all of the data back that would have been lost forever.
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
As stated before, it's likely a problem with the hard drive. Some of the files belonging to the Windows kernel or another important system function or the registry may have become corrupted which is why the computer restarts while trying to load Windows.

If you have the Windows XP disc on hand, you can try booting off it and performing a Recovery. (The windows installer should present that as an option once you boot off the Windows CD). This will reload all the original windows system files to the hard drive and it might correct your problem.
If it works, it's only a temporary solution. You should really backup all your files as soon as you can because the hard drive may really be dying.
Level 5
Apr 18, 2008
Jordan... Draknyte1 a hardrive sector may have become corrupt while writing a file this. If One sector becomes corrupt or moves out of alignment the hardrive while FAIL!!! and not work.

Almighty Will Prevail☺☺☺☺☺♀§
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