Whats Wrong?

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Let us look at this piece of art:
native  SaveInteger takes hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, integer value returns nothing

hashtable table     - the table you are storing data in
integer   parentKey - the 1D parent key value
integer   childKey  - the 2D child key value
integer   value     - the actual data stored
^ this can change depending on what you want to store (e.g handle, real, string)

call SaveInteger(hash, 0, String2OrderIdBJ("humanbarracks"), 0)

hashtable table     - hash
integer   parentKey - 0
integer   childKey  - String2OrderIdBJ("humanbarracks")
integer   value     - 0

call SaveInteger(hash, 1, BType[0], 0)

hashtable table     - hash
integer   parentKey - 0
integer   childKey  - BType[0]
integer   value     - 0
You see now? U messed up the order, thus you dont save orderid - instead you use it as child key.

Edit: You want to load 0?
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
but beware, returning 0 is not the best thing, because if you load from keys that were not assigned anything into, you will automatically load default value, which is 0 for integer, so you are better off saving something like 1 or something if you want the data/it is of any importance
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