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what is......

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Level 3
May 1, 2009
Hi Iwould want to know what all the stuff means like Gui, Mui, Jass, vJass do anyone know what these spand for and whats the different between them??
I would also like to know what a memory leak is i know the meaning but i have no idea what it is!

plz some one tell me

i also wonder if some1 know a good vareable or custom script tutorial?:ugly:
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
GUI = Grafical User Interface (e.g. windows startmenu, the folders and EVERYTHING!!!)

Jass = the script language behind wc3 (which controls everything.)
-> the GUI triggers just "display" the real jass scripts. (as the rightclick menu -> copy is just a display for the actuall copy command in windows)

MUI = Multi user instansable ( i am sure I wrote it wrong..)
-> A spell can be used often at the same moment.

MPI = Multi Player Instansable (again wrong?!)
-> A spell can be used once by each player at the same time

Memory leak... for example when you use an ability targeting a point (like shockwave)
The point is stored in the memory.
-> A leak is a stored thing which is NOT removed.
--> Leaks slowly fill the memory till wc3 encounters an error (you know that one for sure)

Tutorial: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f279/basic-memory-leaks-5889/
Level 3
May 1, 2009
Thanx a bunch That gave some clearness in my head. Well doesnt madder if u spelled wrong i undestood^^
Level 3
May 1, 2009
i gotta agree with ya that it was pretty funny but i wanna know!!!
well i know now thx to darkangle.
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