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What is this thing doing in my map?

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Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
I opened a map I started working on a long time ago and noticed it didn't want to save. Then I found out why. It had this 'little' jass script inside it...



I pastebinned it because it is a bit too big for 1 post. :thumbs_down:

Any idea what causes this problem?

I noticed some parts were written in German. I got an US English Warcraft III and do not speak German.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
It looks like its something to do with the entire map, becuase theres chuncks that have stuff that you'd only expect to see for player set-up. I'd say DONT delete it, and maybe ask aznricepuff, the JASS mod, to give it a skim, becuase that looks like it could be very important. maybe delete anything protaining to a "The Commander" and a AMHS, becuase theres a chunck that has a mention about commmands for them.

I think you should also post the map here for us to look at.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
Well it could be since I have had those weird problems with variables too.
The thing is that I removed my WEU ages ago.
I made a backup and removed it and that works fine, but it could have been something important too. I can't read jass so I wouldn't know.
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