What Extension Here Supports Transparent?

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Level 13
Nov 22, 2006
I don't know if this is the right forum, but is there a way to upload a picture on this forum with transparent parts in it? For example, you want to make a round avatar, then you would need a rectangular avatar with transparent parts to shape a circle.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Lol, thanks. I know that photoshop replaces transparent with white (I know that because I lost about 3 hours trying to find what's the problem), but that crappy GIMP seems to support it.

Lies! Photoshop doesn't replace transparency with white, it is all a matter of your settings, you need to save the two-layer image (transparent background and image) as a .png and make sure it is saved WITH transparency.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Lies! Photoshop doesn't replace transparency with white, it is all a matter of your settings, you need to save the two-layer image (transparent background and image) as a .png and make sure it is saved WITH transparency.

In Gimp you only need one layer.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

No, in GIMP there is also a transparent layer underneath if you choose a transparent background for your image, but it is not editable, it's invisible. You don't ADD a transparent layer in Photoshop either, it's there from the beginning. It's a matter of definition. Point is, anyway, that Photoshop is even easier than GIMP to create transparent images with, simply because there is always a transparent background, in GIMP you have to specify the transparency BEFORE you start making the image. I'm guessing what Silvenon did, was to 'Flatten Image' and that essentialy means remove transparency and layers- ie put it all onto a 2D environment, or on a piece of paper if that's clearer. What you need to do is 'Merge Visible' and then save as .png or other formats that support transparency and internet readability.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Wrong. You can enable transparency at ANY time. Just use the simple function "Add transparency" (I think it's called that. In Norwegian it's "Legg til alfakanal").

That's 'add alpha-channel' for you, and it's already there in Photoshop, HOWEVER, it is not what you consider transparency on a regular .png image, that's basically a layer of nothing, and a layer that doesn't cover the layer of nothing fully. They way I see at alpha channels, it's a black and white channel with black or white representing invisible, and the shades between level of opacity. You have to add transparency manually with channels, with a transparent layer you simply don't add anything to the place you don't want something, or erase parts you won't to invisibilize.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

It adds a channel jackass, and it's not what I refer to when talking about transparency in a layered image. A channel is not visible in the layer-list, which is why you're not seing it. The transparency is the underlying layer, ALWAYS, in Photoshop. It's a 'special feature' in GIMP. I am perfectly aware it is possible to add transparency in GIMP. Point is, that I was explaining that it is NOT SO that Photoshop is unable to save transparent images, so I honestly can't see what the fuss is about.
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