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WC3 not running - HELP!

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Level 10
Apr 3, 2006
At the moment, one of my PC’s isn’t running WC3 properly. Basically when you put the cd in the drive, and launch the game it has the load cd icon for about 2 minutes, and then an error saying cannot find disc appears. Although after putting the cd in the drive, the games auto run menu comes up? And the computer recognises the cd.
Also ive found that it will work now and again maybe 1 in 10 goes, after restarting etc.
Ive tried different cd’s of WC, downloaded, patches for graphics drivers, even reformatted and reinstalled windows XP but still its really picky about when it works.
Has anyone else encountered anything like this before, or any other ideas would be grate.

Jus to recap

No CD error comes up, even though the cd autorun part comes up??
Have 2 pcs, and 2 discs of WC3, both cds work fine on other comp
Have tried numerous things.
The games works now and again

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Wait 1 week for next patch, WC3 will no longer need CD to run up (next offical patch said for next week will be no CD)

Probably your CD drive is messed up and can not read the hidden protected data, nothing to fix that but new disc drive.

Like I said, just wait a few more days and hopefully blizzard will keep their promises and release their next patch with no CD enhancement.
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