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Warhammer Online

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Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Warhammer Online, who is going to play it?

How much will it cost?

I think i will play it with a friend.. but first get a new pc.

Everything looks awesome.. and if you read about the RvR gameplay and how it has influence on your factions cities... fucking awesome...
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I'll be buying it. The game is the regular 15$ a month.

I'll most likely be rolling Destruction, can't decide between Chosen, Marauder or Disciple.
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
I'll be buying it. The game is the regular 15$ a month.

I'll most likely be rolling Destruction, can't decide between Chosen, Marauder or Disciple.

I think i will be greenskin, and then a black orc...

Im so happy that there are no stupid race in this like gnomes or something, i mean those goblins even look awesome and brutal! =p

Is anyone going to do the beta tommorow? i aint =p
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I won't be buying it. The fighting looks lame. The game in general doesn't look great to me. I'll try it at a LAN center first, and if it proves to be actually good, then I'll get it.

PvP is my favorite, and it just looks dumb in Warhammer. I really don't see why there is so much hype.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
The fighting system still looks to much WoW-ish to me. You sit there and push the keys and see how your character does everything, which results on two guys standing on one spot and hitting each other without real action. When someone creates a more active MMORPG, like Dark Messiah (it doesn't have to have awesome graphics) or anything near a Battlefield or SW Battlefront (with melee weapons, spells and stuff) where you really have to dodge, run and attack as if you where in the battle, then I will consider buying it.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
two guys standing on one spot? to my knowledge and experience, moving in PvP was practically the thing that you needed to master to get good in WoW, but that is just me, right?

anyhow, looking forward to this game, didnt preorder becouse i dont think it will be neccessary :p Prob rolling destruction, Squig Herder with Marauder as some sort of twink :p
The fighting system still looks to much WoW-ish to me. You sit there and push the keys and see how your character does everything, which results on two guys standing on one spot and hitting each other without real action. When someone creates a more active MMORPG, like Dark Messiah (it doesn't have to have awesome graphics) or anything near a Battlefield or SW Battlefront (with melee weapons, spells and stuff) where you really have to dodge, run and attack as if you where in the battle, then I will consider buying it.

True. the most thing I hate in mmorpg is that the combat system is so simplified. I wonder why there are no The elder scrolls series gameplay in any mmorpg, although Morrowind and Oblivion are very popular.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
True. the most thing I hate in mmorpg is that the combat system is so simplified. I wonder why there are no The elder scrolls series gameplay in any mmorpg, although Morrowind and Oblivion are very popular.
It's simple but fun. Basically in WoW you have to react fast and know what spells to use and when.. There are enough skills and such that you have to fight certain races, classes and builds differently. If you're a warrior fighting a Rouge you shouldn't use Dual Wield, you need 2H weapon because Rouges doge so much. You hit harder and your overpower (can't be dodged) hits harder. When fighting other classes, often Dual Wield is better if you want DPS.

Also you run and move a lot in WoW. Only fights that are static are like hunters and mages. Even then I'd run around and try and use traps and whatnot.

Back on topic... how do you/did you get into Open Beta. I'd try that if it's totally free.
Elder scrolls have more realistic combat, like in FPS, you press the mouse button to swing your sword and with different key combination you get a different swing. in WoW is everything automatic, you just need to be pressing those goddamned buttons for the abilities all the time instead of controlling the movement of your character. And since there is some thing of "combat mode", you can't snipe unaware enemies from long range or making hit'n'run attacks.
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Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
People who say that fighting in MMORPGs is just randomly mashing buttons have seemingly never played against someone who is even remotely skilled. First of all, despite there being an auto-attack alot of MMORPGs focus on the skills of the character. There are different kinds of skills; buffs, debuffs, damaging attacks, DoTs, heals, HoTs and so on and you NEED to learn how and WHEN to use these!

For example in Guild Wars I'm fighting a Dervish with my Necro. The Dervish is a enchantment based melee fighter, while the Necro is a ranged damager or hexer. The Dervish begins casting an enchantment. I DO NOT cast a damaging spell! Instead I throw Spiteful Spriit at him, which causes casting to damage the players. Then he still casts more enchantments, which cause him to get healed. However I throw enchantment removal spells at him, which damage him for each enchantment removed, weakening him greatly. So now he attempts to flee, but I throw a damaging spell at him, killing him.

It's not just smashing buttons randomly, it does have coordination! Also Oblivion is just smashing the shit out of the attack button... perhaps sometimes throwing a power attack if you are truly bored.

Also Warhammer Online is supposed to be based around your skills too NOT YOUR AUTO-ATTACK! To be good in PvP you NEED to learn how and when to use which ability, for example interrupt the casting of a mage and then throw a damage skill, then debuffing him or stunning him and so on.

Also the type of click-to-attack system is not used for reasons like:
-Slow computers and internets are a bigger problem with such a combat system rather than with the traditional MMO combat system.
-IT can easily deterioate into mashing the hell out of the attack button.
-Dodging/blocking system can become way too easy, causing no one to die and everyone just dodging everything... unless they are zerged.
-Skills, you still need to use spells and such, which would require you to use W,A,S,D to move, attack with mouse and also hit numerical buttons to use skills and spells. This can be easy to some of you, but alot of players will have a problem with this.
-Balancing between ranged and melee classes would be even harder IMO, especially if it's aim with mouse since most people will most likely just jump out of the way constantly, rendering ranged useless.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Elder scrolls have more realistic combat, like in FPS, you press the mouse button to swing your sword and with different key combination you get a different swing. in WoW is everything automatic, you just need to be pressing those goddamned buttons for the abilities all the time instead of controlling the movement of your character. And since there is some thing of "combat mode", you can snipe unaware enemies from long range or making hit'n'run attacks.
Do you not see the irony?
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
I won't be buying it. The fighting looks lame. The game in general doesn't look great to me. I'll try it at a LAN center first, and if it proves to be actually good, then I'll get it.

PvP is my favorite, and it just looks dumb in Warhammer. I really don't see why there is so much hype.

1- The graphics are better than WoW? My pc can't run the game lol.
2- How can one read the info on the warhammer online site about RvR and NOT BE EXITED?

And btw, about the whole WoW combat system. I don't think real skill is required for battling in WoW... WoW doesn't actually require skill at all.. and people jumping around are stupid.. i mean fucking hell come on.. have you ever seen two people in a medieval fight jumping around like retards? It's just veeeeeery ugly.. and i kinda don't like PvP... because im a warrior i need to stand up close to my enemy... i like enemies who keep they're feet at the ground, and look me into the eyes... like a real.. euh.. man? XD

However.. games like CoD2 and such do require skill, they should make an FPS mmorpg. (A good one)
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
jumping can actually be an advantage in WoW, and other MMORPGs, if used right

and i dont see how WoWs PvP cant require skill. Sure, many people say that items are a big deal, but you cant win with just good items. A strategy(tactic, i know there is a difference, i just dont care) is required in order to archieve victory, in ANY GAME(well, most of them atleast). You cant win in a FPS by just running up to your enemies spraying the minigun all the time
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
1- The graphics are better than WoW? My pc can't run the game lol.
2- How can one read the info on the warhammer online site about RvR and NOT BE EXITED?

And btw, about the whole WoW combat system. I don't think real skill is required for battling in WoW... WoW doesn't actually require skill at all.. and people jumping around are stupid.. i mean fucking hell come on.. have you ever seen two people in a medieval fight jumping around like retards? It's just veeeeeery ugly.. and i kinda don't like PvP... because im a warrior i need to stand up close to my enemy... i like enemies who keep they're feet at the ground, and look me into the eyes... like a real.. euh.. man? XD

However.. games like CoD2 and such do require skill, they should make an FPS mmorpg. (A good one)
1. What? What does that have to do with what I said.

2. I haven't really read much, and I do think some of the stuff sounds neat, I just have hated the gameplay trailers.

Umm, pretty sure Warhammer is the same as WoW fighting wise. From what I've seen mages run, and warriors chase. Also people did run around in medieval combat, they would try and dodge attacks and move to get out of the way. They wouldn't just stand in one spot. Obviously not WoW style as there were no mages in history as far as I know, and there would be no point in running away to cast fireballs.

Also by the sounds of it, you just don't like people running from you because you can't catch them.
Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
I have preordered Warhammer and joined a guild as well. Open beta starts tommorrow and I am very excited. But what you must understand about Warhammer is, its a team based pvp experience not an all about me pvp experience. You can solo pvp ofcourse but this game is focused on meaningful and tactful group pvp experience and non stop warfare. Mythic did very well with DAOC which Wow has and still is borrowing alot of their features from because to be honest, Mythic knows what they are doing when it comes to RVR(PVP).
People who say that fighting in MMORPGs is just randomly mashing buttons have seemingly never played against someone who is even remotely skilled. First of all, despite there being an auto-attack alot of MMORPGs focus on the skills of the character. There are different kinds of skills; buffs, debuffs, damaging attacks, DoTs, heals, HoTs and so on and you NEED to learn how and WHEN to use these!

For example in Guild Wars I'm fighting a Dervish with my Necro. The Dervish is a enchantment based melee fighter, while the Necro is a ranged damager or hexer. The Dervish begins casting an enchantment. I DO NOT cast a damaging spell! Instead I throw Spiteful Spriit at him, which causes casting to damage the players. Then he still casts more enchantments, which cause him to get healed. However I throw enchantment removal spells at him, which damage him for each enchantment removed, weakening him greatly. So now he attempts to flee, but I throw a damaging spell at him, killing him.

It's not just smashing buttons randomly, it does have coordination! Also Oblivion is just smashing the shit out of the attack button... perhaps sometimes throwing a power attack if you are truly bored.

Also Warhammer Online is supposed to be based around your skills too NOT YOUR AUTO-ATTACK! To be good in PvP you NEED to learn how and when to use which ability, for example interrupt the casting of a mage and then throw a damage skill, then debuffing him or stunning him and so on.

Also the type of click-to-attack system is not used for reasons like:
-Slow computers and internets are a bigger problem with such a combat system rather than with the traditional MMO combat system.
-IT can easily deterioate into mashing the hell out of the attack button.
-Dodging/blocking system can become way too easy, causing no one to die and everyone just dodging everything... unless they are zerged.
-Skills, you still need to use spells and such, which would require you to use W,A,S,D to move, attack with mouse and also hit numerical buttons to use skills and spells. This can be easy to some of you, but alot of players will have a problem with this.
-Balancing between ranged and melee classes would be even harder IMO, especially if it's aim with mouse since most people will most likely just jump out of the way constantly, rendering ranged useless.

I wasn't saying it doesn't require skill, because that makes no sense, it just brings things on different level. Is just, how to say, you aren't going accustomed to your character that much, it doesn't give you that feeling if you are controlling his moves by yourself, first person camera option, with manual aming, etc. Only just using those skills is just boring :/ Thats why I prefer Elder scrolls series than Diablo.

Honestly, the only mmorpg I played was Century voyager online, but I quickly gave up, then I saw L2 and WoW by friends, and I saw that there isn't much difference, at least in parts where I was looking for.

about those reasons:
-I haven't seen such MMORPG yet.
-All weapons/spells have a fire rate/cooldown. Also if holding the button a little, the blow would be more powerful, or you use that for charging the spell
-I don't see why it would be easier to block and dodge the attacks. In Morrowind it depends from your blocking and similar skills to reduce and negate damage.
-Maybe a lot of players would have problems with that system, but also lot won't. There can be still be a lot of customizable hotkeys.
-Yes, I see what you mean. But this can be solved. In some FPSs is easier to dodge bullets easily, but in some is done the ways that is almost impossible. Also in Morrowind (with enough skill) you don't have to hit the enemy directly (within the crosshair) to hit it. Anyway, the ranged classes have possibility to running backwards when hitting (AvP marine tactics).

Anyway, Warhammer (fantasy) should get a RTS instead of RPG. Mark of Chaos sucks and older games aren't better. Its futuristic counterpart was more lucky.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Mark of Chaos is the worst waste a money ever created. One friend bought it, but was so dissapointed with it (only campaign mode, wtf?) that he nearly threw it away. Luckily I was there to save it, but when I saw it myself...
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
about those reasons:
-I haven't seen such MMORPG yet.
-All weapons/spells have a fire rate/cooldown. Also if holding the button a little, the blow would be more powerful, or you use that for charging the spell
-I don't see why it would be easier to block and dodge the attacks. In Morrowind it depends from your blocking and similar skills to reduce and negate damage.
-Maybe a lot of players would have problems with that system, but also lot won't. There can be still be a lot of customizable hotkeys.
-Yes, I see what you mean. But this can be solved. In some FPSs is easier to dodge bullets easily, but in some is done the ways that is almost impossible. Also in Morrowind (with enough skill) you don't have to hit the enemy directly (within the crosshair) to hit it. Anyway, the ranged classes have possibility to running backwards when hitting (AvP marine tactics).
Alot of that sounds like what MMORPGs have, instead auto-attack is just replaced with a click-to-attack. I mean, you are talking about cooldowns and block and dodge being based on a certain skill rather than being ordered by the player himself. Alot of what you just said is pretty much what MMORPGs already have except casting spells while running. The only difference is pretty much that auto-attack is replaced with click-to-attack.
Yes, in Morrowind is blocking actually automatic when shield equipped. But it could be done so is ordered by player, the chance and damage reduction would be based on character's skill.

What I really hate is the RTS view and mouse movement which is present in old school RPGs like Diablo, Sacred, Nox or Dungeon Siege. The last one has some reason to have it since you control more characters at once (having even autoattack which is actually necessary). Too bad that also this view is present in all MMORPGs. Characters can be moved with keyboard, but most of the time mouse movement is way more practical. I really don't like to move a single character with mouse like I'm used in RTS, a first person or close back third person looks much more natural to me.
Level 8
Jul 20, 2007
Umm, pretty sure Warhammer is the same as WoW fighting wise.

...Other than the fact that there are FAR less abilities.

In Warhammer, there is more planning before-hand; like tactics (like passive's abit).

And there is collision vs enemies (not allies); thus, you jump at them, you stop because of collision. Then, in RvR, you can't jump around them because of the front line's collision (...in those 100+ pople battles).
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Characters can be moved with keyboard, but most of the time mouse movement is way more practical. I really don't like to move a single character with mouse like I'm used in RTS, a first person or close back third person looks much more natural to me.
This part made me feel like you've never played almost any MMORPGs besides some Korean ones. First of all, most MMORPGs have 3rd person view where you move with the keyboard. Very few European and American MMORPGs have bird view, and most have 3rd person view. Also in alot of them you can't even move with the mouse (except like in WoW where you push both mouse buttons down and the character starts moving forward).

Seriously, your posts make me think that you don't have ANY MMORPG experience besides one which I haven't even heard of. Also Rougnecks Leader, there is also collision detection for allies in RvR areas.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Yes, in Morrowind is blocking actually automatic when shield equipped. But it could be done so is ordered by player, the chance and damage reduction would be based on character's skill.

What I really hate is the RTS view and mouse movement which is present in old school RPGs like Diablo, Sacred, Nox or Dungeon Siege. The last one has some reason to have it since you control more characters at once (having even autoattack which is actually necessary). Too bad that also this view is present in all MMORPGs. Characters can be moved with keyboard, but most of the time mouse movement is way more practical. I really don't like to move a single character with mouse like I'm used in RTS, a first person or close back third person looks much more natural to me.
Most RPGs have birds eye view, it's useful for multiplayer and allows you to see more units around you since usually you fight more than one at a time.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
They really should have included Beastmasters for Dark Elves... It would have interesting game mechanics. One beastmaster can control simple beasts, while a pair of them can handle bigger ones, for example a hydra. This would bring a good deal of teamwork into the game and be the opposite of the White Lion... A more decent one, rather than the Squig Herder, because it will use more than one.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Got my copy of the game yesterday and leveled a Chosen to Rank 4. Unfortunately I started experiencing connection errors and had to go to bed so I couldn't play any more.
Level 6
Dec 13, 2007
Warhammer is 90% just like wow, except the leveling is boring, and the PVP is just like WOW pvp, only there's no cheap ass, but when it comes right down to it, WOW is a way better made game, has better PVE and PVP, atleast in the new version, great landscape, great story, and has better classes and races.

now some classes in WarHammer are cool, like the Marauder and the chosen, but the rest are just kinda stupid. like the witch hunter...he has a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other?!? the marauder mutates his left arm into blades, claws and clubs, that is cool, but still, i wasted my money on warhammer : (
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I don't think so.

If there's one thing to WAR's credit, the leveling feels a lot less pointless. You just go in, get it done, come out, get a nice reward, repeat. None of this fucking around exploring BS, you just get right down to it.

Also, the PVP in WAR is still much less broken than the PVP in WoW :p Yes, Black Orc's are OP as shit, but there are a lot of classes that are overpowered in WoW, that game needs a rebalance like mad.
Level 6
Dec 13, 2007
classes that are OP in WOW? your so damn right, rogues...god damn i hate them, i can never kill one, hell my hunter is spec'd to survive them! but i'll just see if it balances out, the questing in WOW is atleast fun, i had one where i had to insult someguys mother and lead him to some assassins XD funny!!! the new BG in WOW looked cool atleast, a beach assault, a seige, morter and seige tanks, looks nice.

but i have to say the WAR beats WOW only in PVP, and thats not enough to make me switch.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I don't think so.

If there's one thing to WAR's credit, the leveling feels a lot less pointless. You just go in, get it done, come out, get a nice reward, repeat. None of this fucking around exploring BS, you just get right down to it.

Also, the PVP in WAR is still much less broken than the PVP in WoW :p Yes, Black Orc's are OP as shit, but there are a lot of classes that are overpowered in WoW, that game needs a rebalance like mad.
You don't play anymore! How the hell do you know? :p
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I prefer WAR over WoW, mostly because WAR has better questing IMO and also better PvP. Also WAR does have alot of good and also funny quests, you just have to play more than 6 levels.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Because I've played both of them enough to accurately compare.
Sorry, I was only referring to you saying that many classes in WoW are imba. Obviously you're right, I was just pointing out that you can't compare balancing issues if you haven't played the latest major patch. Although with so many classes and spells, I doubt anyone could ever balance the game perfectly.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
Sorry, I was only referring to you saying that many classes in WoW are imba. Obviously you're right, I was just pointing out that you can't compare balancing issues if you haven't played the latest major patch. Although with so many classes and spells, I doubt anyone could ever balance the game perfectly.
no game is perfectly balanced, but WAR with its 20 classes is more balanced than WoW with its 9 classes, in PvP

oh, and i would just like to point out, WARs PvP actually requires teamwork, unless you want to lose by a landslide
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