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Warcraft III Image Extractor

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This program lets you view the textures used in Warcraft III. You can use it to convert textures and can view both the Roc and TFT mpq files.

Warcraft III Image Extractor (Binary)

Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
The only things I've found in the folder is Comdlg32.ocx file! :/ I haven't found any .exe file there! And I really need this program! And I haven't found any .exe files! The only thing I've found there is Comdlg32.ocx file! Please help, I really need this program!
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Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
It won't work -.-
It says something about a missing .dll file.

That file is Comdlg32.ocx file, it's the only file I've got. Seems you have the application itself then. Perhaps we could send to Emails both our files and everybody would be happy: [email protected]
But you can just download this from wc3campaigns.net
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Level 1
Mar 29, 2008


(heh awesome emoticons -points to self- I'm brand new)

at any rate, I extracted the files after downloading this and all I was able to access was something called comdlg32.ocx, which is labeled as an activeX control.

Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

(somehow I don't think I'll be answered seeing as no one else was. It's worth a try though - I hope.)
Level 1
Apr 15, 2008
works fine for me :thumbs_up:

i dloaded it here and it works properly ..
u need to extract all the files first before it could start working properly

w8.. where can u make .tga files? except adobe.
Level 1
May 7, 2008
For all, who are having troubles with this program:
download it, then extract all files and start the .exe
If it still doesn't work then, you have to start it as an admin (in vista as example)
Level 1
May 25, 2008
Well now it says

Run-Time error '9':
Subscript out of range

I fixed the last one but this one is still messed up :(
Level 11
May 31, 2008
i need help

when i open this program it does not look like the pic u have up there... also i cant rly edit any textures or anythin like that. wen i get it 2 open it just shows it on the side... can any1 tell me how 2 fix this?
Level 2
Mar 28, 2007
When i try to open TGA files it says they have an unsupported compression. am i doing somethign wrong? I've tried tga's from a few different photo programs like Paint Shop Pro X2 and still get the same thing.
Level 4
Feb 17, 2007
yo it does work but last time i dl it has the mpq things of the textures
but now i dont have it so i dl it again
but the mpq is not there...
anyways how to fix that?
Level 5
Sep 19, 2006
This doesn't work.

Can someone give a step-by-step process for downloading this program to make it work properly for Windows Vista? I keep getting "file not found" or "53" errors.
Level 1
Sep 2, 2006
Hmm, I've downloaded and extracted this into my C drive, yet when i run it the only two toolbar options are Open and Save. Also, when i open up any .mpq, everything is a giant list with path names, and it is not in a tree format. Any ideas as to what's gooing on? I run a Vista if that has anything to do with it.

Level 1
Feb 24, 2008
The image extractor problem

i try to open a file and it says CoodDude.tga has unsupported compression...
please help :thumbs_up:
Level 1
Jun 29, 2008
Questions plz awnser

I was able to download this but in my extractor it doesnt have the box with plus and minus to open and close areas it just has every single thing listed down a long page and only the options open and save at the top, also whenever i follow a guide using this my character that gets saved to have a different skin in the game can only be used as a picture at the top left showing what heros you have, what do i do? :eekani:
Level 3
Jun 21, 2008
I want to put some Naruto characters in my map....i import but i dont know why it doesent wordking,,,,can someone help me
Level 3
Jul 18, 2008
i want something that i can IMPORT textures... cuz i have lots of models and i cannot use them... they appear only shadows and in Warcraft 3 Viewer i see them red... any ideas for a program?
Level 11
May 11, 2008
Ok here's a step by step procedure on how this works (since the one who upload it didn't finish it correctly). You will need Irfanview (free) to transform your JPG files into TGA files. Once you finish dl the program save in the Warcraft III folder (makes it easier to remember were it is.) If it says missing iijl15.dll file the file is in Warcraft III folder, just copy and paste in the Image Extractor folder. If it says subspcript out of range well I can't help you out on that.
Level 3
Jun 14, 2008
I have a Targa file and I need to make it a BLP. This program has worked before, but now it won't convert the file. It just makes it a Targa again. I've also tried all of the other tools on this website and none of them work. Help plz
Level 11
May 11, 2008
I have a Targa file and I need to make it a BLP. This program has worked before, but now it won't convert the file. It just makes it a Targa again. I've also tried all of the other tools on this website and none of them work. Help plz
LordXavier have you tryed Warcraft III viewer tool?

When you open the exe. it will pop up a menu thing just close it, and go to the main menu (make sure you press maximize button cause the next thing you won't see it until you max it) There a part that says convert TGA, BMP etc... into BLP click on that find the picture it will as you the quality and it, will say it dosen't have alpha channel would you like to add it? Click yes and there you go a BLP file.