Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
The arrival of Vampires in Azeroth, and their subsequent founding of their kingdom slowed the Lich King's awakening. Now, he is awake and angry. As his power sweeps through the world, he is noticed by James Dracson, who dispatches his agents to slay the Lich King.
Custom Vampire heroes.
A complete custom techtree
Eight playable maps and three cinematics.
A unique storyline.
Seabottom Shipping:
Rock, not Roll:
Lich Killing:
Superior Necromancer:
Mystery Item:
Change Log:
The whole campaign
New models and icons
Custom icons' DISBTN form
More terrain detail
Heroes' inventory and skills transfer between maps
Adjusted cinematics; fade transitions, more dialogue, better timing
Slowed vampire units' nighttime regen
Made Cinematics skipable
Quest notifications no longer spam in Ch. 5
Adjusted the attack waves in Ch. 3
Heroes' inventory and skills transfer between maps
Scourge units become visible when you enter the shipyards in Ch. 1
Custom DISBTN icons display correctly
Hero abilities now stay in the correct positions
Special Thanks:
And you
Kenntaur (Celsius)
Freddyk (Dark Soldier)
Edge45 (Blood Elf Balista)
Skrab (Stableyard)
Deep Sea Kraken (Demon Slayer)
skrab (Scavenger Dragon)
Sellenisko (DarkValkyrSvH)
Frankster (Bloodelf Strider)
MasterHaosis (Graveyard and Chaos Mill)
Kwaliti (Lich King)
Ujimasa Hojo (Necropolis and Ancient Temple)
Elenai (Archmaiden)
Ampharos_222 (Homincle)
HappyCockroach (Snake Bat Thing)
UgoUgo (Shadow Infernal)
HappyTauren (Necro Stronghold and Demon Tower)
MasterHaosis (Graveyard)
tomoraider (DarkValkyr)
skrab (Scavenger Dragon)
UgoUgo (Shadow Infernal)
Ujimasa Hojo (Ancient Temple)
Elenai (Archmaiden)
HappyTauren (Necro Stronghold and Demon Tower)
Beta Testers:
Author's notes:
Please, tell me what you think of the vampire techtree. I am more than open to suggestions.
Vampires heroes, as well as some of their basic troops, are creatures of night, and as such naturally have rapid health regeneration at night.
Also, I have chosen to go with the 'cultured vampire' as the base for my vampire techtree. By that, I refer to the vampires who look normal enough when they want. The giveaway are their allies appearance, not theirs.
17th Mar 2015
StoPCampinGn00b: See my comment.
19:09, 3rd Feb 2015
StoPCampinGn00b: Map set to Await Update / Needs Fix based off of Sclammerz review (and Imperator's). It will automatically be set back to pending once you update it.
19:09, 3rd Feb 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Map set to Await Update / Needs Fix based off of Sclammerz review (and Imperator's). It will automatically be set back to pending once you update it.
Because I knew I was going to add in some screenshots later. I just hadn't gotten there at the time of posting, so I set it up such that adding screenshots would be easy. Now, however, I have taken and added the screenshots I was planning to add. Enjoy!
The campaign itself is quite monotone. It's way too often about simply destorying this or that base. About the Vampire race, it is just a copy/paste of multiple units from different races. Nothing unique. The AI is not challenging. The hero abilities are essentially the same, apart from having different icons. Also, the game does not save the hero abilities a player had chosen in the previous chapter. The quest notifications spam sometimes, especially in chapter 5, where is spams every time the building is destroyed or a unit killed. In chapter 2, the enemy waves are way too frequent, yet quite weak and easy to counter. There are occasional green boxes instead of icons. Vampires regenerate with an insane rate at night, decrease it a bit, it's way too fast. It also makes Blood Slasher's (copy/paste of Ghouls) Thirst/Cannibalize ability rather useless, even though it is also overpowered. You need a lot of work in this area.
Terrain & Scenery
The terrain is empty. You're using one or two tiles, at best, with very few doodads, apart from trees. It mostly consists of a single road, leading directly towards the enemy. The way that those dirt cliffs are place is quite unnatural and ugly. You need to put more effort into it.
Story, Cinematics & Narration
Story, in my opinion, has potential, yet it's execution is way too simple. Narration is not very good either, as the dialogues resemble one another too much and generally are uninteresting. Cinematics are unskippable. Barely any use of fade effects. Characters are underdeveloped, in my opinion. You never made a player care about the main characters. You should work more on their individual stories and make them more interesting.
Overall, the campaign needs a lot of work. Rated 2/5 and AWAITING UPDATE.
Thank you for taking the time to review my campaign. I appreciate your comments, and will take them into account when I have the time to overhaul the campaign. I only have three things to comment on.
1: Cinematics not skipable. This one isn't something I can fix. I'm not sure how to do skipping, and I haven't found a tutorial that makes sense to me.
2: Techtree is unoriginal. Honestly, that's not going to change. I don't have the patience or skill to make a completely unique techtree. What's currently up is my best effort.
3: Hero XP and inventory doesn't transition. I'm aware of this. My last campaign has issues with this, so I'm waiting until a friend of my is able to get me intructions as to how to do that without the issues I was seeing. I should have that in the next week or so, and I'll add that function to this campaign as well.
Aside from those, I agree with everything else you said, and I'll fix it for the next release. Thanks again for the review!
It's a slight improvement over your first campaign, the quests finally work properly, terrain is only little better, but it still needs much improvement.
1: Cinematics not skipable. This one isn't something I can fix. I'm not sure how to do skipping, and I haven't found a tutorial that makes sense to me.
Player - Player 1 (Red) skips a cinematic sequence
Message Equal to 1
Set Message = 0
Put this before every wait action, e.g. unit transmissions and ending it with running the cleanup trigger like shown as the last action
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Message Equal to 0
Then - Actions
Trigger - Run Cinematic 1 skip <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Skip remaining actions
Else - Actions
Trigger - Run Cinematic 1 skip <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Then there is cleanup trigger, which is effectively end cinematic trigger, where you do all that stuff, like, fading filters, turning cinematic mode on, reset camera and display images.
2: Techtree is unoriginal. Honestly, that's not going to change. I don't have the patience or skill to make a completely unique techtree. What's currently up is my best effort.
It's not because it's unoriginal. It doesn't have dat feeling as a vampire, who are still undead in their core. These unit models are way too elvish and building models styles clash too much. I'd suggest to use Ujumasa hojo's forsaken buildings or something. The story doesn't seem to be too 'vampiric', how to say...
3: Hero XP and inventory doesn't transition. I'm aware of this. My last campaign has issues with this, so I'm waiting until a friend of my is able to get me intructions as to how to do that without the issues I was seeing. I should have that in the next week or so, and I'll add that function to this campaign as well.
Hello, Vampiral! I see, you have a another campaign and a sequel in your previous campaign. I finished this campaign and here's my review.
The gameplay is a warcraft-ish gameplay and nothing wrong about it. But now, it has quests unlike your previous campaign that does not have any and now I know what's the objective in each map. The vampire techtree somewhat improved and unique, I like it but due to the fact that there are no unit upgrades and the techtree was somewhat lacking and not really original, in my opinion and the abilities was somewhat copied like the thirst obviously it was from the Ghoul's cannibalize ability. Maybe add more variety of different spells. Also again there are no game cache, the spells I picked from the previous chapter were reseted when I'm at the next chapter and it's really bothering. Also there are only few (some have none) items that can be obtained but most of them are healing potion/mana potion, maybe add more useful items throughout the campaign. I didn't notice any bugs occur during I played this.
The terrain was very plain and empty. The cliffs was kinda ugly, many empty spaces, some tiles doesn't fit and you did not put enough decorations to decorate your terrain and it's very lacking. Improve it please, it somewhat brings the campaign down.
The thread looks nice +2 for that but no screenie? Please add some.
As far this was the best part of your campaign, I really like the story. I only notice few grammar mistakes. Well, the cinematics was good but I think you can improve it and cannot be skipped. :3 Some of the dialogues like "Let's go, sister/brother" are overused, you use it over and over. Maybe you could somewhat change it a bit. 0_o? I like the story turned out, anyway.
The terrain really needs more work, add more decorations like rocks, shrubs and etc.
The Vampire techtree needs more work, yet it was now not too "messy" give them more original and unique spells to fit them.
The Heroes spells button position was somewhat random, please fix them.
Please add game caches, so that my items and picked spells will not be reseted.
Anette's icon turns green when the game is pause, I think your forgot to import the DISBTN or you did not write the right path for it. Mind to fix that?
The Heroes spells could do more work and I see you only change their icon but their effect are still the same. Maybe add more original spells for them.
The chapter where I will battle the Lich King is very boring and easy, maybe you could make it more challenging to the player? Thinks about it?
Sylvanas' model before the epilogue was the normal Dark Ranger but on the epilogue her skin changed. Maybe you could use that skin before the epilogue too, to show difference between the normal Dark Rangers and Sylvanas.
The vampire worker's name is "Blood Elf Servator/Worker or whatever" But when you train them it said "Train Servator/Worker. Mind to fix it?
Make the cinematic skippable too.
Also just a little suggestion in your change log instead of "Added: The whole campaign. Fixed: None. Known Bugs: None. You could delete them and just write "Released." I know it's just a small thing but still.
It was very close for a 3/5 score and maybe an approval but still, many things needs to be improve and fix and I like the efforts you've been doing to your maps. I'll give it 2/5 I vote for Needs Fix. When the new update is released, notify me and i'll be glad to play and review this campaign once again. Happy Mapping!
Firstly, I'd like to thank Sclammerz for a review. I'm already working on a retool of the campaign, but I'm more than happy to expand my efforts with it.
Secondly, Sclammerz raised two points in her review, as shown above, that I need help with. I'm glad to fix them, but I'm not sure how.
For the spells, please don't tell me to look on the forum. I've already spent WAY too much time doing that (Why are so many of the spells pending?). If you have a suggestion, please provide a specific link.
As to the issue with hero skill locations being kind randomized, I assure you it's not intentional. I had this issue with my last campaign. I have no idea how to fix it. Anyone who does, let me know, and I'll correct it for the next version.
Finally, I am working to make adjustments, but I'm a tad busy right now, and so between that and the volume of corrections needed for this campaign, I'm gonna be a while. It's kinda funny. I though on releasing this that it was much better than its predecessor. I knew I needed to add game cache, but I thought that was it. This has now gotten more suggestions and 'needs fixes' comments than said predecessor. I find that hilarious.
Why I feel the heroes name are a little odd.
Anyway, for some reason I lost the essence I get from the previous campaign, maybe because I was lazy? I'll retry this when the new update rolls out.
Daniel : readying -> preparing [Recommended]
For some reason the Prologue doesn't directly load Chapter One after finishing. [Optional] Score : 100/100
Chapter One
Adrian : let us away -> let's go [Recommended]
Annette Icon doesn't have it's DISBTN counterpart, either that or it's path isn't properly set. [-5]
Skill Buttons for Adrian and Annette are randomly placed. [-3]
Perhaps Annette and Adrian can use better spells? [Optional]
Make the area around the shipyard revealed to make players can see all the undeads they need to kill [Optional]
Zombie can't be cannibalized while others can (Vampire Slasher Thirst)? [-1] Score : 91/100
Chapter Two - Ending
Can't play them due to Game Cache issue [-100] Score : 0/100 (Each Chapter)
For some reason the Game Cache is broken which keeps me from continuing, or am I using the wrong version? Let me check...
The issue is the same as your Rise of Vampire Kingdom Campaign. Annette and Adrian has wrong Unit ID from each map, I'm sure you remember the fix method I send before.
Until then I can't continue, and I'm sorry I have to score it very low for now. I await the next update for the fix.
I've been looking at the comments on the maps I have posted. Every single one has pointed to one thing; the maps are boring. The story is great, but the player never gets that far because the map is uninteresting. Since my efforts to improve have consistently fallen flat, I am now thinking that I should cut my loses. I am dropping my current WIP, and stopping support for my existing maps. In essence, letting them die. I love making these maps, and the stories I can tell, but it is clear that for my maps to have any real appeal, I need to work with an experience and skilled mapmaker. I make write the story and do some trigger work, they make the physical map. And at this point in time, that is not something I can do. So for now at least, I will be posting only comments.
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