- Joined
- Dec 10, 2007
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- 65
Hi, im working on a map at the moment called: Escape from colditz. Im having problems with a trigger that involves a gaurd chasing a prisoner in a Guard uniform for a pass. If a prisoner (guard uniform) runs away, the guard will attempt to kill him (after a certain wait period). But if the guard catches the prisoner (gaurd uniform) he orders him to hand over a pass. The problem comes that this requires two triggers to fire, one to detect a prisoner gaurd in a large radius, and the other one to detect a prisoner gaurd in a small radius. I will post up the two triggers to make this a little more clearer. Any help would be appreciated. (done in the gui trigger, not jass sorry.)
guard uniform pass
Unit - A unit comes within 700.00 of Nazi Guard (rifle) 0061<gen>
((Triggering player) controller) Not equal to (Neutral Passive controller)
(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Nazi Guard (No Rifle)
Set guardPost = (Position of Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061<gen>)
Unit - Order Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061<gen> to Move To (Position of (Triggering unit))
Wait 10.00 seconds
If(all Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (else actions)
If - Conditions:
(Take Pass or DIE<gen> is queued) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Skip remaining actions
Else - Actions
Unit - Order Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061<gen> to Attack (Triggering unit)
Game - Display to (All Players) the text: kill
Take Pass or DIE
Unit - A unit comes within 100.00 of Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061<gen>
(Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Nazi Guard (No Rifle)
Unit - Order Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061<gen> to Stop
Trigger - Turn off guard uniform pass <gen>
Wait 0.02 seconds
Trigger - Remove guard uniform pass <gen> from the trigger queue
Wait 0.02 seconds
Trigger - Clear all pending triggers from the trigger queue
Wait 0.02 seconds
Game - Display to Player Group - Player 1 (Red) the text: Guard: Hand over your pass
Sound - Play ArrangedTeamInvitation<gen>
Unit - Change ownership of (Triggering unit) to Neutral Passive and Retain color
Wait 0.02 seconds
Selection - Select (Triggering unit)
Wait 0.02 seconds
Unit - Order (Triggering Unit) to Stop
Wait 1.50 seconds
Unit - Make (Triggering unit) face Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061<gen> over 1.50 seconds
Wait 1.50 seconds
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Item Carried by (Triggering unit) of type Pass) is owned) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Item - Set charges remaining in (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Pass) to ((Charges remaining in (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Pass)) - 1)
Wait 0.00 seconds
Game - Display to Player Group - Player 1 (Red) the text: You have been ordered to hand over a pass
Wait 0.00 seconds
Sound - Play QuestCompleted<gen>
Wait - 1.50 seconds
Unit - Order Nazi Guard (Rifle) 0061 <gen> to Move to guardPost
Wait 1.00 seconds
Unit - Change ownership of (Triggering unit) to Player 1 (Red) and Retain color
Wait 0.02 seconds
Selection - select (Triggering unit)
Wait 0.02 seconds
Player - Make Player 2 (Blue) treat Player 1 (Red) as an Ally
Wait 10.00 seconds
Trigger - Turn on guard uniform pass <gen>
Else - Actions:
Game - Display to Player Group - Player 1 (Red) the text: You have been caught without a pass, you have been sent to solitary confinement.
Wait 0.00 seconds
Sound - Play QuestFailed<gen>
Wait 1.50 seconds
Sound - Play BattleNetDoorsStereo2 <gen>
Wait 1.50 seconds