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Hey I have a question about converting .W3D files into .MDX or .MDL .. if it is possible then i would like to get some info on that and maby some help!
You can import - export any other game models to Warcraft, but you need a plugin that works for both games. First you need to import the model to your modeling program and export it to mdx/mdl.
You would only need to change the animations, particles and textures if they're not using the same controllers.
W3D Importer This plugin works for both Gmax and 3DS Max and will allow you to import models from the game into the modeling program. It will also import animations. I found this to be the best W3D importer avaliable.
And if you want 2 export models from bfme I would surgest dling the demo for bfme2. Then you can get some nice little Elves, Dwarves and Goblins.
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