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Voice For Hire!

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Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
I'd just like to put the option out there. I have a pretty unique voice with over a known fifty voices, all of different ranges and factions. I'd love to help voice a campaign, or even a personal project. Being an actor for the last four years has helped to increase my range of voice talent, so I'm well prepared to help.

If you'd like to PM me with directions, or even a "trial" version of my voice, just post the requirements and I'll give it my best. Thanks all.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
My apologies for the delay. Here are some samples I did last night and this morning.

They feature an Orc summoner whose chance of resurrecting a well known pit-lord has just become easier, a Troll who fears that Human forces are encroaching on his homeland, and a Priest who delivers a foreshadowing monologue prior to the destruction of Dalaran...

EDIT: I added a Dwarven voice.

Mind you, they are all in MP3 format. Sorry for the inconveinence, but it's the only format I can save to at this time.



  • TROLL voice.mp3
    351.1 KB · Views: 221
  • HUMAN voice.mp3
    767.8 KB · Views: 182
  • ORC voice.mp3
    642.9 KB · Views: 172
  • DWARF Voice.mp3
    740.9 KB · Views: 208
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Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
I would love to act for your cinematic. I'll get on the dwarf voice right away.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to them, by the way.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
brad.dude03, that was seriously an awesome thing you said. Thanks for all the support.

Whitehorn, you could very well be right. I was aiming for a gutteral voice, similar to Mannoroth's but when I heard it again, it really does sound orcish. It makes sens though right? A fel orc necromancer could very well want to resurrect the infamous pit-lord. Afterall, Mannoroth was the fel orcs' master.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Whitehorn, I will voice a "nice croaky nerubian voice" after I complete operator's request. It may take some time to practice it, but I'll try my best.

operator, yes you first!

/tosses a cookie at operator
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Yes, I could tell you LOVE dwarves. Hence the dwarf sig and dwarf avatar. Very nice. Don't get your pants in a bunch now, I'll get the dwarf voice up as soon as I can. As for now, continue to bask in your awesome dwarfiness..

lmao. dwarfiness.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Operator, firstly, I have a really cheap microphone. I had been trying to voice act for a few years now, but the computer I used always recorded awful background feedback and my breath became a horrible distraction. I fixed one of the problems. If you hold the microphone, away and to the side, making sure not to blow on it, you can really fix the breath problem. I stopped using my PC and started using a labtop. I have no idea why the laptop recorded no background fuzz, while my PC did.

I also found that when my laptop was plugged in (charging) it created a really nasty buzzing sound when I recorded. When I took the battery charger plug out, it stopped the buzzing.

I'm not saying these are your problems, but you could also try looking at your sound options in your control panel. Also, there are several tools with Audacity that take out, and even silence some noises

Personally, keep trying. Your best bets lay in fixing it yourself, and figuring just how you want your voice to sound. Tinker with the effects a little, and you'll find that you can easily voice act.

Best wishes! :thumbs_up:
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
The Undead voice is kinda iffy. I'm probably going to change it to Orc. It fits, and maybe I'm not ready to tackle Undead.

Thanks for the comment though Scyth-master. I'll work on breathing.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
SuPa-, It's a little hard to understand. I can make out, "Mortals, the time of darkness has come..." The rest is illegible to my ears. Mannoroth's voice is definitely a hard voice to do. The power of his voice doesn't come from his mouth or throat, it comes from deep within his stomach. If you'd like, you could look up on youtube the cinematic between Mannoroth, Thrall, and Grom. I practiced for a little bit getting the voice portion of it, then added in the laughing and maniacal demon we all know.

It's difficult to do, but it takes time as well. Many comedic improvisations take years to practice. Work on it, and when you're ready we can hear it again.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
My girlfriend has been present at my house for a day or so now, and I've decided that I should pay attention to her a little more being that I've been working on a project of mine non-stop for the last week or so.

Sorry for the wait Operator, but I promise that the dwarf voice will be done tomorrow if not as early as later tonight.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
No offense SuPa-, but it sounded almost exactly like the cockroah alien from Men In Black. Yeah, it also sounds like a Tauren, but I thought it was interesting.

Here's a sample of my Dwarven voice. It took some time trying to memorize Muradin's and even the rifleman. As far as I can tell, it sounds similar, but not exactly. Also, I tried working a bit on a Scottish accent which helped a lot.

In this clip, you'll hear the aftermath of Arthas obtaining his infamous sword and (not seen in WC III) dragging back Muradin's sacrificed corpse to his basecamp.



  • DWARF Voice.mp3
    736.8 KB · Views: 92
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Haha, I didn't mean to offend you. Fourteen year olds are cool, because I used to be one. Being seventeen doesn't help either. I'm half-way stuck between being a child and being a man.

It kind of makes me jealous to see how many users on The Hive who are younger than me, and can do so much more than what I ever tried. Oh well.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Oh, sorry for having you misunderstand. I know you weren't trying to offend me and I wasn't offended. Just saying that my voice is rather kiddish and I can't make it deep or like an adult (which about all wc3 units would be considered). And distorting it to make it deeper doesn't help that much

Yeah, at the end it dose sound a lot like the cockroach alien from MIB, but that's because at the end I messed up. I think it sounds fine at the beginning though
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Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Well, honestly I don't see any reason why I would leave. I've always loved joining mapping communities, and now that Wc3sear is gone, The Hive was the next best place. I will always love Warcraft and its lore, but more than that, I will continue to devote my time to learning what it means to "create" in the Warcraft universe.

Also, I love belonging to something.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
Your girl, huh? What's the lass' name? I just got cut up pretty badly, I could use some more bandages, but meh. Anyway, keep it up, and Audacity isn't as good as Sound Recorder for voice recording once you have a quality Microphone. Audacity is still useful for shrinking file size.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Your girl, huh? What's the lass' name? I just got cut up pretty badly, I could use some more bandages, but meh.

I have no idea what you mean with the above sentence.

I like Audacity just because it's simple to use, but unfortunately I don't have a high-quality mic, so it's tough using the default Sound Recorder.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Oh! Haha, I understood the girlfriend thing, but I didn't understand why you were saying it. Now I get it, because I forgot I posted something about my girlfriend. Heh, some boyfriend I am.

Anyways, back on track.

I tried doing a Nerubian voice, but it is horrible. I can't get the right amount of beats in my voice to fluctuate the true Nerubian sound. Oh well.
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
Nice voices man! the Human one could use some work and the dwarf one as well, But the troll one was awsome! Keep on working your demon voice too. And if you can do that demon one good i might have a spot for you in my project...

PS you would be the evil guy i need a good Balhrog voice for Dastranor and/or Shadowstalker.
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