[vJass] Lightning v1.1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Its been years since I left Wc3.
I want to test my coding skill so I coded a system and I would like to someone to tell me if the code has flaws.

I created a Lightning system. This system can help coders to simplify their work.

Updated! [8/4/2016]

Changelog :
v1.0 - release
v1.1 - removed recycling feature
- changed some of the code.

library LightningStack requires Table, TimerUtils
*                           Lightning v1.0.0
*                              by Reventhous
*   What's this? :-
*        - a system that can do lightning work
*        - a system that will recycle used lightning
*   Requires :-
*        -Table by Bribe
*            |
*            -TimerUtils by Vexorian, Bribe & Magtheridon96 [requires optional Table]
*   API:
*   ----
*      | - function NewLightning takes string codeName, unit source returns Lightning
*      |       - return Lightning (lightning stack).
*      |
*      | - function ReleaseLightning takes Lightning lt returns nothing
*      |       - will destroy the Lightning (lightning stack)
*      |
*      | - function AddLightningTarget takes Lightning lt, unit target, boolean checkVisibility returns nothing
*      |       - will create/recycle lightning and lock it to target
*      |
*      | - function LockLightning takes Lightning lt, unit target, boolean lockFlag returns nothing
*      |       - Lock/Unlock lightning (the lightning will just froze and do nothing)
*      |
*      | - function ReleaseLightningTarget takes Lightning lt, unit target returns nothing
*      |       - will release target from lightning

        private constant real Periodic = 0.06   //make sure this number is > 0.05. No need high frequence timer
        private constant integer MaxBolt = 256  // just to avoid big memory leak.

    // this is where the lightning data stored
    private struct tooldata  
        unit t
        lightning l
        boolean lockFlag
        boolean checkVisibility
        integer instance
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            if this.l != null then
                call DestroyLightning(this.l)
            set this.lockFlag = false
            set this.l = null
            set this.t = null
            set this.instance = 0
            call this.deallocate()
    // the is the main struct of this system
    struct Lightning
        Table get = 0
        Table stack = 0
        Table dat = 0
        integer instance
        integer used
        string name
        unit source
        method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
            // will destroy all of the lightning including the recycled
                exitwhen this.instance <= 0
                call tooldata(this.stack.integer[this.instance]).destroy()
                set this.instance = this.instance - 1
            set this.source = null
            call this.get.destroy()
            call this.stack.destroy()
            call this.dat.destroy()
            call this.deallocate()
        static method onLock takes nothing returns nothing
            local timer T = GetExpiredTimer()
            local thistype bolt = GetTimerData(T)
            local integer i = bolt.instance
                exitwhen i <= 0

                if tooldata(i).lockFlag then
                    call MoveLightningEx(tooldata(i).l, tooldata(i).checkVisibility, GetUnitX(bolt.source), GetUnitY(bolt.source), GetUnitFlyHeight(bolt.source), GetUnitX(tooldata(i).t), GetUnitY(tooldata(i).t), GetUnitFlyHeight(tooldata(i).t))
                set i = i - 1
            // will stop the timer when the stack is empty
            if bolt.instance == 0 then
                call ReleaseTimer(T)
        // true = lock, false = unlock
        method lock takes unit target, boolean flag returns nothing
            set tooldata(this.get.integer[GetHandleId(target)]).lockFlag = flag
       method release takes unit target returns nothing
            local thistype th 
            local tooldata dt
            // will do nothing if use null data
            if integer(this) <= 0 then
            if this.instance == this.dat.integer[GetHandleId(target)] then
                set this.instance = this.instance - 1
            // finds the target 
            set dt = this.get.integer[GetHandleId(target)]
            call dt.destroy()
        method add takes unit target, boolean checkVisibility returns nothing
            local tooldata dt = tooldata.create()
            local lightning bolt = AddLightningEx(this.name, checkVisibility, GetUnitX(this.source), GetUnitY(this.source), GetUnitFlyHeight(this.source), GetUnitX(target), GetUnitY(target), GetUnitFlyHeight(target))
            if this.instance < MaxBolt then
                // Store the data
                set dt.t = target
                set dt.l = bolt
                set dt.checkVisibility = checkVisibility
                set dt.lockFlag = true
                set this.instance = this.instance + 1
                set this.stack.integer[this.instance] = dt
                set this.dat.integer[GetHandleId(target)] = this.instance
                set this.get.integer[GetHandleId(target)] = dt
            // Create and start new timer on system start
            if this.instance == 1 then
                call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this), Periodic, true, function thistype.onLock)
        static method create takes string codeName, unit source returns thistype
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            set this.name = codeName
            set this.source = source
            // For 'destroy' method
            set stack = Table.create()
            set get = Table.create()
            set dat = Table.create()
            return this
    function LockLightning takes Lightning lt, unit target, boolean lockFlag returns nothing
        call lt.lock(target, lockFlag)
    function ReleaseLightningTarget takes Lightning lt, unit target returns nothing
        call lt.release(target)
    function AddLightningTarget takes Lightning lt, unit target, boolean checkVisibility returns nothing
        call lt.add(target, checkVisibility)
    function ReleaseLightning takes Lightning lt returns nothing
        call lt.destroy()
    function NewLightning takes string codeName, unit source returns Lightning
        return Lightning.create(codeName, source)

vJass Lightning System by Reventhous (Map)

Might I suggest adding capabilities to use coloured lightning effects through this system rather than being restricted to the default colours, you still need an ingame screenshot of this working (and might I suggest a more appropriate name like "LightningLock system" rather than just "Lightning" which more heavily implies a spell rather than system)