Video on how to import Models with and without custom textures.

Everything is detailed in the video, which is made by me.
If you don't understand something in the video, ask me, and i will improve it.

It contains everything newbies can use in order to import models sucessfully.

What you should know after reading this video:
Importing models with non-custom and custom textures.
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Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Ahh, videos like this are really usefull for new people. I remember that a video guided me to how to import :p.

Some explanation on where else to look if the video didn't help would be nice.

Also keep in mind the model section automatically generates an import tutorial for every single model. :p

Yeah, but watching video tutorials is better nowdays than reading a whole page filled with junk to find what you need. Also, i believe that my video covers everything...I think.
Level 6
Aug 13, 2009
awesome quality, with the improvement of the video recorders and the youtube's innovation : High Definition. Also useful for beginners who are too lazy to read a tutorial, 7/10 (missing voice explanation)

Pyritie don't hate him that much, we know that for each model a tutorial is generated, but... there are noobs who don't know that trick and they would like to.