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- Jul 12, 2005
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I read Vexorian's tutorial about vJass, structs, and the MUI timer method without HandleVars.
Now here is my problem. In the third part. He gave a sample, i followed it, copied it, compared it, everything.. I think i understood the whole structure. But it is not that MUI as it supposed to be :S
I don't post the whole trigger cause it wuold just complicate it. So is this correct? Because it is not MUI.
"scoping" it is not a problem, i removed the "private" tags, but the problem is still there.
Also, here is a template:
Uses exactly the same structure...
Here, i attached the whole trigger:
Now here is my problem. In the third part. He gave a sample, i followed it, copied it, compared it, everything.. I think i understood the whole structure. But it is not that MUI as it supposed to be :S
scope NewScope
private struct data
integer n = 0
boolean DestroyStruct = false
private data array DataArray
private integer Total = 0
private timer Timer = CreateTimer()
private function NewScopeTimer takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local data d
exitwhen i == Total
set d = DataArray[Total-1]
if d.DestroyStruct then
set DataArray[i] = DataArray[Total-1]
set Total = Total - 1
call d.destroy()
set i = i - 1
//Am i doing sthg wrong here??
// if d.n > 500 then
// set d.DestroyStruct = true
// else
// set d.n = d.n + 1
// endif
set i = i + 1
if Total == 0 then
call PauseTimer(Timer)
private function Trig_Test_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local data d = data.create()
if Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(Timer, 0.01, true, function NewScopeTimer)
set Total = Total + 1
set DataArray[Total-1] = d
I don't post the whole trigger cause it wuold just complicate it. So is this correct? Because it is not MUI.
"scoping" it is not a problem, i removed the "private" tags, but the problem is still there.
Also, here is a template:
Uses exactly the same structure...
Here, i attached the whole trigger:
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