Just like vamp zero sdk.
-Gameplay is faster (Humans have 2 lumber bases, Vamps have cheaper items + more exp)
-Map is adjusted and all bases have the same strength
-Ultimate Zero slow towers are not op anymore
-Red player can feed vamps unlimited times
-Removed those strange shadows
-You can now buy gold/lumber at insane prices
-Made item tooltips show the real values
-Added 3 more items (calculated balance from existing items)
-Created a better mini-map
-Repaired the kick function
-Made lumber bases non-attacking
Put a ton of work in this, please give it a try.
Image Description:
Vampire attacking a base
About Vampirism Zero SDK:
You start with a builder and build in one of the many bases on the map.
So you get a wall and a lot of towers to defend it.
When the two Vampires spawn after some time, he's going to scout for your base and try to destroy it. (beware, he sees everything you've built until then (thats at 30-60 sec ingame), so get a lumber base somewhere else and destroy it when they spawn)
If your builder gets killed, you respawn as a vampire minion.
The bases are big enough for 2 players, without an ally you wont make it long.
You get wood by building lumber bases whose are limited to 2.
You need to train a hero to get gold at day.
At night, there is a spot where your hero can level.
The vamps can enter the leveling spot but will take constant damage.
They will try to keep you from leveling and getting to the (safe) gold farming spot.
You need gold for reaching the next technology level and building powerful structures.
Your hero can stun vampires but will be pretty weak if you dont put a lot of resources into him.
You have 14 food available. A lumber base costs 5 (dont upgrade two of them to the same level or you wont gain wood anymore), an hero costs 4 and a stun tower also costs 4 (you dont need too much gold in the end game anymore)
To kill a vamp, build a wall behind him when he drops low or let all your team's heroes stop him from getting away or stun him. (or kill him if you have some very powerful heroes)
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