This TD have several types of game:
PvP - Stohghold alike mode,where you may summon creeps for your enemies and gain money.
At the end there would be a Stats of the best players by each category.
Deathmatch - 2 Teams play usuall TD. Build towers and standing vs computers waves.
Cooperate - same thing as a deathmatch but there all humans are ally .All humans versus computer
Survival - same as deathmatch,but units are comming every 1 sec
Grip Mode - Deathmatch+PvP. Monsters have to go up and then return back with a "life". Players may send additional monsters and raise their income ("Double mode" is off)
Rabbit mode - Each team have 1 monster to kill. But if 1 team kill it,then another one gain 2 of them. Monster limit: 75 per way ( 150 per team) .
Red player may change everything at this map ! Number of lives , 1 or 2 way of ways , income,bonus from killing creeps,bonus from training creeps ,time interval of income,handicap of units,etc ...
Several "Ultra modes" are also already available: League mode and an ExtReme mode
Update 03.16F
Survival mode added (If there are playing only Team 1,then it will be played like SOLO )
-Damage tower added (aura)
-new dialog buttons(Start money)
-Tower cost recalculated
Update 03.17b
Added Tech Center>Boss Facility (upgrade boss quality)
-New upgrades: Sniper Tower lvl 2 , Guard Tower lvl 6 ,7
-Extreme Mode - Handicap reduced from 800 till 400,Income rised from 50 till 125
Some minor upgrades
VampiresTD v0.03.17F
-For Computer wars added Win\Loose conditions
-For Computer wars added Stats for a draw game
-Tower Recalculated ! (Multiplayer reduced from xLEVEL till 1 )
VampiresTD v0.03.18F
-For Computer wars added Stats for a win\loose\draw game
-Deleted "Tech center" from the games Dearthmatch,Survive,Cooperation
-increased handicap for Extreme mode from 400 till 700.
VampiresTD v0.04.00F
-Added PowerUps that could be used freely ! (Speed bonus,defence bonus or money bonus)
-Changed multiboard with a timer and some free slots for future game conditions..
VampiresTD v0.05.00F
-Grip Defence mode added
-Fix damn bug with a dialog box...(i'm sorry :\ )
-From now power up appear every 40 seconds(was 30) and dissapear every 70 seconds (was 45) .So it's much easier to catch it !
VampiresTD v0.05.50F
-Differences between Tower Levels
-New tower:Fire Tower
-New tower
ead Tower
-Level 5 is Air
VampiresTD v0.06.00F
-units HP recalculated
-New Tower:TeleTower(thanks Toadcop for an idea)
-Added a new mode:Rabbit
i REALLY need your help and ideas !
TD PvP stronghold TTW maul wars deathmatch cooperation fun