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Valley of Tears

A footmen-frenzy-type map wherein each player (8 total) takes control of a hilltop war camp to destroy oncoming enemy onslaughts. Base units spawn periodically, and heroes can be purchased to augment one's forces.

-Teams of two players each
-25 heroes, each with unique skill sets
-Lots of innovative and fun custom spells and abilities
-4 different base-unit races, each with 4 tiers and 2 subclasses per tier
-A unit shop with powerful and diverse units that can be upgraded to provide access to more abilities.
-Multiple shops with lots of items for purchase.
-Functional AI for 1-8 player play. Maybe not the smartest of AIs, but still better than most noobs, and still very useful for testing, moderation, or solo play.
-Newly revamped terrain!

This is the 8-player version. To implement AIs for moderation, single-player games, etc., simply use a computer player in the desired player slot(s).

An AI observation version (8 AIs, 1 human observer) is available upon request. For those who want an unprotected version, make a request by email or PM, and I'll make decisions on a case-by-case basis. Best contact method is by email: [email protected]

Thanks for all the input in advance!

footmen, footman, frenzy, valley, tears, Dalaran, Guard, Dalaran_Guard, battle, Valley of Tears

Valley of Tears (Map)

13:53, 27th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2: Here is a short review after playing the map with a few bots. First I liked that you put an AI in the map, making the map open for players without an internet connection and for practicing purposes, good job in...




13:53, 27th Apr 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Here is a short review after playing the map with a few bots. First I liked that you put an AI in the map, making the map open for players without an internet connection and for practicing purposes, good job in that. However as all of the Footmen Frenzy maps your map lacked originality, a lot. It's basically the same races on a different terrain with different items and heroes. You should add different tiers. It's not bad thou. The heroes were somewhat original with sometimes nice spells. However you should limit the players to one hero, or two maximum only. The terrain was bad, especially in the bases plain, simple, void and simply boring. It lacked dodoads and variety. There were quite some items, adding more isn't bad ofcourse. A not so original map with some potential, Approved with a 3/5 (Useful) rating.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
your spell weavers cloak adds 10 agi instead of 10 int.

You should add more items. Come up with something to separate it more from dota.
More heroes is always cool for updates. Maybe more tiers, different combinations. A system possibly that gives bonus to hero is same race as tier. Just ideas.
Last edited:
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Thanks for the input! Spellweaver's Cloak fixed.

There will be a lot of things to separate it from DoTA and other maps; this is just the preliminary version. I'm hoping to add a few weather effects, and there will be a bunch of random, periodic events that stimulate gameplay and provide for unique opportunities to boost your hero and/or troops.
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Do you know what is hotkey?

Yes I know what a hotkey is. I thought you were saying there was a single hotkey that was mis-labeled or not working (i.e. for a spell or something). Please elaborate on what you mean by "inproper hotkey," as to the best of my knowledge, all hotkeys are working and are easily used.

If you want it to be approve, then it should be 8 player just like how the map suppose to be.

Done. Once more, thanks for the input.
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
The AI just sits there. The most AI they have is to cast spells.

I meant seperate from traditional footies. I was really tired.

I dunno what happened with the AI. Looks like it was corrupted during protection or something. Re-imported the .ai and updated the map, though, and it seems to be working fine. Sorry about that.

In regard to making it different, I tried to use elevation as a variance. I also made lots of custom and unique spells that I feel really add to gameplay. Additionally, being able to choose between 2 spawn units for each upgraded tier gives significantly more strategizing power, and having an AI allows for more versatility of gameplay for easier hosting, etc. Your ideas are good ones, though. If I take them into account, I'll be sure to give you credit. Thanks again!
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Yes I know what a hotkey is. I thought you were saying there was a single hotkey that was mis-labeled or not working (i.e. for a spell or something). Please elaborate on what you mean by "inproper hotkey," as to the best of my knowledge, all hotkeys are working and are easily used.

Inproper hotkey means you have hotkey that are not working, clash with another hotkey or doesn't show at the list. It was rather that simple.

Also, do not forget. Hotkey does not limited to heroes ability, it include upgrade, unit purchase, hero purchase and so on.

All your hotkey for structure upgrade, unit purchase, hero purchase and etc etc isn't working properly. The way you set hotkey for hero ability doesn't look too good either.

The terrain wasn't well develop either, it lack of tiles variation usage and destructible/doodad.
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Thanks for all the input. I'll look over hotkeys and work on the other suggestions. I left the terrain kind of devoid of decoration for file size purposes, but I suppose a little bigger can't hurt much (esp. since it's only like 250 kb!). As for tiers, I'll probably be working on a demon tier, as that would allow for some unique model-use. Hopefully an updated version will be up by the end of today. Thanks again!
Level 4
Jan 16, 2007
Played through a few times and this is what I have to say:

The bad:
With only teams of two, if your ally leaves its over...
While there are many items, a few more couldn't hurt.

The catch-22:
The map is aesthetically boring, but it doesn't case unnecessary lag.
The AI (though ridiculously fun to slaughter) is lacking, but there isn't much you can do about that.

The fun:
WOW... Only sampled a few heroes, but from what I saw, they are all well thought out.
"sanctity" was AWESOME, and it didn't lag at all.
The zxcv hotkeys were well situated.

All and all it was a very good map. It looks boring, but the mechanics are superb.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
I need to test it again to see the AI. ^^
But yeah I mean you need a way to make it more unique.
It is pretty cool with the heroes.

But make more tiers too, I mean you could add more races and such. ^^

I do like the two different unit types.

Maybe a balancing system. Like no partner or if partner leaves your spawn comes twice as fast. Seems like a simple way to balance.

Also could add in some random creep spawns in center.

Another idea would be too give random missions to players, like kill so many units of a certain color player, maybe a player who has like highest kill rate, or highest gold just so it gives time for another player to recover, makes the game last longer and more fun.
Small couple hundred gold bonus to the person who does the mission.

I'll think of more ideas.
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
I need to test it again to see the AI. ^^
But make more tiers too, I mean you could add more races and such. ^^
Maybe a balancing system. Like no partner or if partner leaves your spawn comes twice as fast. Seems like a simple way to balance.

Also could add in some random creep spawns in center.

Another idea would be too give random missions to players, like kill so many units of a certain color player, maybe a player who has like highest kill rate, or highest gold just so it gives time for another player to recover, makes the game last longer and more fun.
Small couple hundred gold bonus to the person who does the mission.

I'll think of more ideas.

Thanks so much for the ideas. The random creep spawns are already in progress (that's what the northern pass and the waterways are for). The balancing system is a good idea, though I'll have to think of a way to do it without making a single player too powerful. The random missions are an interesting idea, though I'm not sure how that would affect balance. It seems like the leading player would be best able to complete the mission and would thus become even MORE powerful. Great ideas, though, ty.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
I'm saying make the mission on the leading player. =P
then he'll get jumped then mission goes to next leading player. But only at times not constantly have missions.

Np I like giving ideas. =D
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Thanks for all the input. I'll look over hotkeys and work on the other suggestions. I left the terrain kind of devoid of decoration for file size purposes, but I suppose a little bigger can't hurt much (esp. since it's only like 250 kb!). As for tiers, I'll probably be working on a demon tier, as that would allow for some unique model-use. Hopefully an updated version will be up by the end of today. Thanks again!

A good terrain would not increase the file size that much. Infact, you could make a awesome terrain at under 50kb if you know exactly what to do.



Level 5
Mar 19, 2009
Good map, love the fact you put AI in. The AI works, which I don't see often, and it's not really wimpie. But The Anguish abilitie doesn't do anything! tried it almost twenty times, didn't do damage or kill anything. It just wasted mana. 4/5