Using Quest For New Characters

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Level 9
Oct 3, 2006
I'm kind of lost on how to make this type of trigger.

I'm making an ORPG game, in which I talk to NPCs using a "TALK" skill I created.

I was trying to create a trigger in which, every time I talk to an NPC (using a "TALK" ability I created) some information and a short description about them would be saved.

Maybe store the info. on the Quest Box or something.

The only problem is that the way the information are saved is not a linear process.
Is there a way to add a new text on the Quest description instead of changing the entire Quest description itself?
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2013
I think the short answer is no. But all hope really shouldn't be lost.

You can use strings connected to each other to weave it together.

You can have a string called Quest1[1] = Go north to explore the mountains.
So you click Talk to a NPC. The NPC tells you about an item in the mountains. - > Quest description updates with the content of the string Quest1.
Now you want to add more to Quest1 so what do you do?
Another string called Quest1[2] = Beware of wolves.
So you click Talk to another NPC as you're leaving. The NPC tells you about wolves on the mountain. -> Quest description updates with the content of string Quest1[1] + Quest1[2]

So in the quest log it reads: Go north to explore the mountains. Beware of wolves.

There is a limit to the length of a quest description but you could always add a new quest named Quest Cont. etc. This is the gist though.

Alternatively you can make it so that you show all the information on text messages on the screen, however the process of adding "progress" will be the same process of putting strings together.

Hope this helps.
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