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- Feb 3, 2013
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Hi all once again, I've been messing around with some more vJass, trying to understand how to use structs; This time I've made a meat hook like spell from DotA. The trigger works completely as intended (this is because I looked at another script to start me off) - but I'm COMPLETELY STUMPED as to how it works. I'm confused because the function Create and Destroy return a boolexpr value - and whether the spell works properly is dependent on the return value. And this is where I need help - can someone explain to me why the boolexpr values are needed in order for this spell to work?
I feel like the problem for me starts when timer's are involved - I understand that I'm using the system to attach struct handles to a timer initially, but the TT system uses only one timer. If i set the Create and Destroy functions so that they don't have any return values, I get an error in game and the hook doesn't work properly. And I know, it shouldn't work because that will lead to stacking struct handles on a single timer. But why do functions that return boolexpr values work?
the Time Ticker System by Cohadar.
once again thanks in advance for all your help <3
I feel like the problem for me starts when timer's are involved - I understand that I'm using the system to attach struct handles to a timer initially, but the TT system uses only one timer. If i set the Create and Destroy functions so that they don't have any return values, I get an error in game and the hook doesn't work properly. And I know, it shouldn't work because that will lead to stacking struct handles on a single timer. But why do functions that return boolexpr values work?
scope MHStruct initializer init
private constant real INC = 30. // Distance between hooks
private constant real BASE_RANGE = 2000. //Base range of the hook; Formula is BASE_RANGE + (INC_RANGE * LVL)
private constant real INC_RANGE = 250. // See above
private constant real BASE_DAMAGE = 100. //Base damage of the hook; Formauls is BASE_DAMAGE + (INC_DAMAGE * LVL)
private constant real INC_DAMAGE = 50. // See above
private constant real AOE = 115. // AoE for hook to hit
private constant real STR_RATIO = 0.1 // Drag damage is based on Heroes strength ratio
private constant integer DC_ID = 'h000' // Hook Chain Dummy raw ID code
private constant integer DH_ID = 'h001' // Hook Head Dummy raw ID code
private constant integer MH_ID = 'A003' // Hook Ability raw ID code
private constant string FX = "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Human\\HumanBlood\\BloodElfSpellThiefBlood.mdl" // Effects displayed upon enemy encounter
private struct dat
unit c // Caster
unit array d_c[300] // Dummy hookchain - Maximum number of dummy chains per instance is 300
unit d_h // Dummy hookhead -
unit t // Target
location p // Location of caster
location pp // PolarOffset from Location of Caster towards ang
real ang // Angle between location of caster and spell target location
real rng // Current offset distance of meathook
real str // 15% of Hero's Str including bonuses
integer lvl // Level of Meathook for user
integer i // Count how many hook chains there are
boolean boo // Boolean expression deciding whether a unit is hooked or not
private function MHS_Filter takes nothing returns boolean // Filter unit must be a non structure, alive unit; Filter unit can not be a unit type of dummy hookchain or dummy hookhead; Filter Unit can not be the casting unit
return GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0 and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == FALSE and GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) != DH_ID and GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit()) != DC_ID and GetFilterUnit() != bj_ghoul[50]
private function Destroy takes nothing returns boolean
local dat d = TT_GetData()
set d.rng = d.rng - INC
set d.pp = PolarProjectionBJ(d.p, d.rng, d.ang)
if d.boo == TRUE then
call SetUnitPositionLoc(d.t, d.pp)
if IsUnitEnemy(d.t, GetOwningPlayer(d.c)) then
call UnitDamageTarget(d.c, d.t, d.str, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
if d.i == 1 then
call RemoveUnit(d.d_h)
call SetUnitPositionLoc(d.d_h, d.pp)
call RemoveUnit(d.d_c[d.i])
if d.i == 0 then
call SetUnitPathing(d.t, true)
set d.c = null
set d.t = null
call d.destroy()
return TRUE // HERE!!
set d.i = d.i - 1
return FALSE // HERE!
private function Create takes nothing returns boolean
local dat d = TT_GetData()
local group g = CreateGroup()
set d.rng = d.rng + INC
set d.pp = PolarProjectionBJ(d.p, d.rng, d.ang)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, d.pp, AOE, Filter(function MHS_Filter))
set d.t = FirstOfGroup(g)
if d.i == 1 and d.t == null then
set d.d_h = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(d.c), DH_ID, d.pp, d.ang)
call SetUnitScale(d.d_h, 15., 15., 15.)
elseif d.i >= 2 and d.t == null then
call SetUnitPositionLoc(d.d_h, d.pp)
set d.d_c[d.i] = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(d.c), DC_ID,d.pp, d.ang)
if d.rng >= BASE_RANGE + INC_RANGE * I2R(d.lvl) then
set d.boo = FALSE
call TT_Start(function Destroy, d)
return TRUE /// HERE!!!
elseif d.t != null then
set d.boo = TRUE
call TT_Start(function Destroy, d)
if IsUnitEnemy(d.t, GetOwningPlayer(d.c)) == TRUE then
call UnitDamageTarget(d.c, d.t, BASE_DAMAGE + INC_DAMAGE * d.lvl, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(FX, d.t, "chest"))
call SetUnitPathing(d.t, FALSE)
return TRUE // HERE!!!
set d.i = d.i + 1
return FALSE // HERE!!!
private function MHS_Cond takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == MH_ID
private function MHS_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local dat d = dat.create()
local location loc = GetSpellTargetLoc()
set bj_ghoul[50] = GetTriggerUnit()
set d.rng = INC
set d.i = 1
set d.c = GetTriggerUnit()
set d.p = GetUnitLoc(GetTriggerUnit())
set d.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.c, MH_ID)
set d.ang = AngleBetweenPoints(d.p, loc)
set d.str = I2R(GetHeroStr(d.c, true)) * STR_RATIO
call TT_Start(function Create, d)
call RemoveLocation(loc)
set loc = null
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i == 15
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
set i = i + 1
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function MHS_Cond))
call TriggerAddAction(t, function MHS_Actions)
the Time Ticker System by Cohadar.
// * Passing data to timers
// * using only one timer for all actions
// PROS:
// * It is ridiculously easy to use.
// * It is faster than ABC (and any other attaching system)
// CONS:
// * It can be used only for high-frequency timers
// This method fails if PERIOD > 0.1 second
// * TT_Start(userFunc, struct)
// TT_GetData() -> struct
// * userFunc is a user function that takes nothing and return boolean
// it will be periodically called by the system until it returns true.
// * TT_GetData() is a function that can be used inside userFunc
// TT_GetData() will return struct passed to Start function
// * All user functions are stored in an array.
// Timer will call all those functions each period.
// * While user function returns false timer will continue to call it each period
// Once user function returns true it will be removed from system
// * NewGen v4c and above (there might be some problems with older NewGen's)
// * Vexorian - he was nagging me so much about how attaching to timers is bad
// that I finally had to do something about it.
// * Just create a trigger named TT
// * convert it to text and replace the whole trigger text with this one
library TT initializer Init
// List of recommended periods:
// 0.04 = 25 calls per second
// 0.03125 = 32 calls per second
// 0.025 = 40 calls per second
// 0.02 = 50 calls per second
public constant real PERIOD = 0.02
// One Timer to rule them all, One Timer to find them,
// One Timer to call them all and in the jass bind them
// In the land of warcraft where the desyncs lie.
private timer Timer = CreateTimer()
private integer Data
private integer Counter = 0
private trigger array Triggz
private integer array Dataz
private function Handler takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger swap
local integer i = Counter
exitwhen i<=0
set Data = Dataz[i]
if TriggerEvaluate(Triggz[i]) then
set swap = Triggz[i]
call TriggerClearConditions(swap)
set Triggz[i] = Triggz[Counter]
set Triggz[Counter] = swap
set Dataz[i] = Dataz[Counter]
set Counter = Counter - 1
set i = i - 1
// who can guess why am I not nulling swap here?
public function Start takes code userFunc, integer data returns nothing
debug if userFunc == null then
debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: TT_Start - null userFunc")
debug return
debug endif
set Counter = Counter + 1
if Triggz[Counter] == null then
set Triggz[Counter] = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddCondition(Triggz[Counter], Condition(userFunc))
set Dataz[Counter] = data
// Call this function only inside the userFunc you passed to Start
public function GetData takes nothing returns integer
return Data
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
call TimerStart(Timer, PERIOD, true, function Handler)
once again thanks in advance for all your help <3