ty dude now i can finish my map
how do i get a timer and how do i get it to win for a specific team Ps i also want workers to be able to transfer gold to the undead crypt and wood to the human famr building i rly need help with this plz help me
Timer window (simple)
Time - Elapsed game time is .10 seconds
Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for TIMER with title First Spawn in:
Countdown Timer - Start TIMER as a One-shot timer that will expire in 53.00 seconds
TIMER is a variable.
click on the Yellow X at the top of the trigger menu, Create a new variable Or hit CRTL+N to open a new pop-up window. Name your timer (no spaces allowed use the underscore _ between words like Defeat_Timer). Under Variable type scroll down to Timer.
You can not run a timer at Map Initialization, it has to be a lapsed time or tied to an event that takes place AFTER Map Initialization. I used Lapsed time 0.10 seconds (a tenth of a second - a literal blink of the eye)
Expires in Seconds - 60 seconds is a minute 120 seconds 2 minutes 300 seconds 5 minutes 600 seconds 10 minutes 3600 seconds is an hour 86,400 seconds is a day... you get the idea. I used 53 seconds as EXAMPLE.
Defeat or win tied to the timer:
Timer Expired
Game - Victory Player 1 (Red) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
What ever your actions are. You are calling upon the variable TIMER that you made previously.
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Transferring gold?
Gold and lumber do not exist as a "real" thing - they are just values to count - just numbers. If you want to "transfer" gold and lumber then you would use:
Player - Add 1000 to Player 1 (Red) Current gold
Its under add property. You can do positives and negatives.
If you mean you want human peasants to harvest gold and deliver it to the crypt then you will need to edit the Crypt unit in the Object editor. You will have to go to add the ability Return Gold and lumber to the crypt.
This will be under normal abilities.
Double click on Abilities Normal and select "add" you will have a long, long list to choose from. Hit R on your key board Scroll down a tad.
You will have:
Return Gold
Return Gold and lumber
Return Lumber
Return Gold allows harvesting units (Peons and Peasants) to return just gold. Return Lumber allows them to return just lumber. Return Gold and lumber allows them to return both.
For you farm do the same thing except give it the Return Lumber Ability.