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Upgrade for Gold - Income/Upkeep?

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Level 6
Oct 25, 2010
I came across an upgrade already in the world editor called Improved Gold Harvesting and decided to try it out, but noticed it doesn't actually do anything.

So I created the following trigger:

- Unit - A unit finishes research
- (Research tech-type) Equal to "Improved Gold Harvesting"
- Player - Set (Triggering Player) "Gold upkeep rate" to (((Triggering Player) Gold upkeep rate) - 15)

And this worked, sort of. It did add an additional +2 to each gold collected, but once I create or lose a unit, it stops working (like the gold income goes back to normal of 10 instead of 12)

I guess theres more I'm missing??
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Level 11
Jun 2, 2004
Keep your intended upkeep for the player in a variable and set it every 0.1 seconds or so. So long as you don't have an enormous number of quick periodic triggers like this it won't lag either.
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