Hey guys,
I started working on a map after hearing about Reforged, which was great to hear after putting 12 years into an outdated engine, and my mate has been urging me to share it. He's a hardcore gamer and has never given me any positive critique until now, so it has given me some extra inspiration.
What I need
Testers who understand Dota/Hero arena style maps and a mix of Warcraft's RTS and World of Warcraft.
Player opinions
The game consists of 7 bases, one for each corner and 3 evenly positioned in the centre. There can be up to 4 teams with a maximum of 3 players on each (12). Each team starts with one corner base each, which I'll explain the consistencies of soon.
Each player chooses 1 of 7 World of Warcraft replicated classes. Each class (So far Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Paladin, and Druid) can learn up to 8 replicated abilities each, with each ability slot having 3 choices (kind of like how WoW is with different talent trees).
The idea of the game is to build up your base with your team (structure purchases, tech and other base upgrades are shared with your team, and all purchases will be specific only to that base) and invade opposing team bases, like domination (to get an idea of the base size, imagine a 2000 unit radius circle(oval) that outlines an impassable wall and single gate). Each base is permanently fixed in its location and can be sieged by destroying the gate. Once a base has been sieged, any purchases/buildings and upgrades that were invested will be lost/destroyed and the base will become available to claim. Losing your only base will not mean your eliminated from the game, in fact it can be a strategy of its own. Bases offer no real advantage when no resources have been spent on them, only a wall to hide behind, the ability to recruit units (expensive), and the potential of upgrading (also expensive).
Recruited units play a huge role, being roughly 75% the strength of players early in the game, remaining somewhat consistent throughout (5 max starting population for each player). You can use them to defend your base, farm NPC's, lead assaults, and even help with mini dungeons. This is all done using a "simplified" order system that allows you to easily manipulate/control your Hero unit at the same time.
Camera/Player movement
The system I made for this turned out better than I envisioned, and the limitations' of Warcraft is what created it. The camera location and rotation will be fixed near (around) your Hero with a perfected scaling size and (interchangeable) smooth, unique rotation. Your Hero will semi-always face in the direction of your mouse.. Its weird to explain. It pretty much allows you to 'move, steer, and find attack direction' with the mouse (compensating with a camera slackness for the mouse location when your camera is rotating), while strafing(or "sprinting/boosting") with the WASD keys. You order units and fight in a simulated WoW battleground with RTS, Dota, and Tower Defence elements. The camera system to is on the border of being third person and rotates in a suitable, user friendly manner.
I've been waiting on a new laptop because I spill coffee on everything so I'll be able to give screenshots and stuff soon. If anyone is interested in knowing more, message me on [email protected]
I will respond within 24 hours.
I started working on a map after hearing about Reforged, which was great to hear after putting 12 years into an outdated engine, and my mate has been urging me to share it. He's a hardcore gamer and has never given me any positive critique until now, so it has given me some extra inspiration.
What I need
Testers who understand Dota/Hero arena style maps and a mix of Warcraft's RTS and World of Warcraft.
Player opinions
The game consists of 7 bases, one for each corner and 3 evenly positioned in the centre. There can be up to 4 teams with a maximum of 3 players on each (12). Each team starts with one corner base each, which I'll explain the consistencies of soon.
Each player chooses 1 of 7 World of Warcraft replicated classes. Each class (So far Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Paladin, and Druid) can learn up to 8 replicated abilities each, with each ability slot having 3 choices (kind of like how WoW is with different talent trees).
The idea of the game is to build up your base with your team (structure purchases, tech and other base upgrades are shared with your team, and all purchases will be specific only to that base) and invade opposing team bases, like domination (to get an idea of the base size, imagine a 2000 unit radius circle(oval) that outlines an impassable wall and single gate). Each base is permanently fixed in its location and can be sieged by destroying the gate. Once a base has been sieged, any purchases/buildings and upgrades that were invested will be lost/destroyed and the base will become available to claim. Losing your only base will not mean your eliminated from the game, in fact it can be a strategy of its own. Bases offer no real advantage when no resources have been spent on them, only a wall to hide behind, the ability to recruit units (expensive), and the potential of upgrading (also expensive).
Recruited units play a huge role, being roughly 75% the strength of players early in the game, remaining somewhat consistent throughout (5 max starting population for each player). You can use them to defend your base, farm NPC's, lead assaults, and even help with mini dungeons. This is all done using a "simplified" order system that allows you to easily manipulate/control your Hero unit at the same time.
Camera/Player movement
The system I made for this turned out better than I envisioned, and the limitations' of Warcraft is what created it. The camera location and rotation will be fixed near (around) your Hero with a perfected scaling size and (interchangeable) smooth, unique rotation. Your Hero will semi-always face in the direction of your mouse.. Its weird to explain. It pretty much allows you to 'move, steer, and find attack direction' with the mouse (compensating with a camera slackness for the mouse location when your camera is rotating), while strafing(or "sprinting/boosting") with the WASD keys. You order units and fight in a simulated WoW battleground with RTS, Dota, and Tower Defence elements. The camera system to is on the border of being third person and rotates in a suitable, user friendly manner.
I've been waiting on a new laptop because I spill coffee on everything so I'll be able to give screenshots and stuff soon. If anyone is interested in knowing more, message me on [email protected]
I will respond within 24 hours.