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Unnamed RPG(Lets Get some ideas flowin!)

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Level 6
Feb 7, 2009
Alright I'm very interested in creating a single player RPG, but I am not that creative when it comes to story telling however, I do have a few ideas that I'm sure may have to be re worked by someone who is better suited at telling stories.

>War Long Ago.

>X amount of mighty warriors /w Very Distinct Powers

>2 Enemies with greater powers equal to that of one of the mighty warriors

>After they had locked up the 2 enemies they went to a sacred forest where they rested there for thousands and thousands of years till they turned to stone.

>Thousands of years after they had turned to stone, a very timid and persuasive traveler stumbles upon 1 of the enemies who has also turned to stone over the thousands and thousands of years. Somehow causing the release or the awaking of his powers(not him) these powers are scattered across the world reaching the hearts of many races, corrupting their hearts and their minds, over time each of there powers will grow stronger and stronger till they reach the same power that he once held.

>The powers of the X amount of mighty warriors sense that there is a disturbance among the world and the powers that have been released. To counter attack this the X amount of warrior powers are sent out across the world to X amount of seemingly ordinary people.

>Soon after receiving these powers the they feel they must do something but they don't know what. Only 1 however decides that if he does not know what to do then he will go find out. Finding along the way the other X amount of "reincarnated souls/powers of the X amount of warriors"

>They soon discover what has happened and they decided to act one it. Blah blah blah again just a rough draft of I guess I sub par idea. No fine details or the rest of the story yet.

>O yeah and all the people that receive powers have back stories in the main story.

Feedback, suggestions, completely shit on the idea. ANYTHING WILL DO!
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Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
> The war story can wait... but it is brewing!

> Not really sure how many though. 5-ish? Maybe, the main character, being a mage, or someone magically adept. The thought of the main character always being a sword-junkie is so pshaw. Maybe a sixth as a secret char.

> 2 evils, against each other but with the same plan. Raze them all and conquer!

> Not really going for the sacred forest stuff, but the sealed in stone part is intriguing. Sealed and guarded in some secret keep or something.

> Thousand of years later, a power-hungry, all powerful mage of sorts storms the keep up to the seal chamber and unseals both of them, BUT! Actually, he absorbs the essence of the two evils, implanting the conscience of the two evils to the mage. Now, three personalities inhabits the mage, his, and the two evils, with his power quadquinhexhepoctanoa-fied powahs!

> Heroes get aroused. Woot.

> Protagonist is just a civilian. Danger ensues. His latent powers triggers on. Poof! He now haz l33th4x.

> Secret! Well, something happens that forces him to find the other hero incarnates.

> Love intrigue.

> Fight, fight, fight. Hack, hack, hack. Level up. Get uber gear. Defeat bad guy.

> World goes back to being normal.

> ...

> Profit!

And I can't do the map itself. No triggers, no unit pathing, no doodads, no jeebus.
Level 3
Mar 6, 2009
500 Years ago, During the great war of the Twin kingdoms. Mighty armys Clashed. The Elite Paldin Legions of the Empire of Tlek'Athor, great powers of Mind, Will and Sword, Which every man possessed. The Troll Kingdom of the Ragnar'athonr Had Masses of Troll Warriors each barely armed but with tooth and claw, It was the battle of the aegis. Professionally trained soldiers slaughtered the armies of the trolls, Green blood staine dthe battle fields like acid dripping from sky. It was not long before the troll kingdom was Surrounded, There king made one last decision he sacrificed his life to the gods, Two Copys of him Latharn and Belak'Athor They had immense power, They were demi gods in there own right. They were equal to the armys of the White Knights. The knights were getting shot down by lighting, fire, and poison. The spells of these two God-like warriors were shotting them down like Arrows from an Army of Angelic rangers. Then the Emporer Davinus the Fifth of the great people of Tlek'Athor Rode forth on his Icy White mount and struck down one of the gods, The blood sprayed the warriors in a Shower of Acid Burning the armour of the Warrior King. The First of the demi gods died, The second was then Imprisoned, deep beneath the Citys of the Tlekthorian people 500 Years later a Troll Prince ventures down into the caverns with but one notion, To free the god and recreate the age old empire of the Troll kingdom, to wreack havoc, And Free his people from the Oppresion of Davinius the 8th Aptly named after his Age old Relative. One troll has the Power to free Untold legends, that troll is on a Mission, That troll is YOU.

Theres my story, Comment what do you think. I used the information you gave me and Rounded it up. time taken 10 mins.
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