Unlearning Tech/Upgrades

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Level 4
Aug 17, 2008
Hiya, how would I go about unlearning tech/upgrades or setting it to a lower level of the tech tree?

I'm trying to make it so that if a unit leaves a region, it will lower the tech tree level making it unable to perform a skill it has, is this possible? I've come into a dead end and I don't know how to

  • Player - Set the max research level of UpgradeTest to 1 for (Owner of Unit)
  • Player - Set the current research level of UpgradeTest to 1 for (Owner of Unit)
I even tried using a dummy unit as a requirement teched skill, however when I remove/kill the unit, it also does not unlearn the tech requirements, the unit may still use the ability.

Both do nothing to help me, how would I go about lowering a players tech level, or doing anything to show on the ability that it requires to be in the region disabling it until it meets requirements and then disabling it again when it doesn't meet requirements? I've seen such things before in maps, so there must be some way.

I'm using WEU, and I don't know JASS. Help me please THW.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Welcome Tazuwukei, one way to solve your problem would be to replace the ability with an ability that has the same tooltips and so on, but requires a certain techlevel you did not upgrade yet, if its a hero ability, then store its level in an integer variable and set the replacing ability to the same level
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