Tech Triggers and Resource Icon

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Level 2
Jul 29, 2011
Hello, I am making a simple map for my friend and I am stuck at making some triggers.
I have a tech building. There are three paths to choose from. Red, blue and green. He may only choose one path of upgrades, and each path has three levels. Now, I can't figure out a condition based on tech level.

I have: Event - Unit "tech" finishes research

Condition - research type equal to Green
???Condition - research type Green equal to level 1???

Action - Turn on Trigger Green 1
Other thing that I can't figure out is how to disable certain tech after other technology has been researched. I choose red, therefore blue and green can no longer be researched and they disappear from the tech building.
The last thing I have trouble with is my custom icon for Lumber.
I replaced the vanilla one and changed all the description to match my own. But I still don't know how to change the lumber icon in a shop. Like when I want to buy a boat, which costs 140 gold and 40 lumber. The tiny icons of gold and lumber are unchanged.

Thank you in advance.
Level 12
May 22, 2015
There should be something like
"Integer Comparison"

Then it should look something like this after you've changed it:
"Level of (Green) for player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) equal to 1"

I think it is something like Player - Research Level. Hopefully this is enough for you to figure it out. I don't remember the exact lines.


I forget how to do this one, but I know I've done it on my map. It should be under "Player - " or maybe "Game - " when you are choosing the actions. Just read through those options and you should be able to find it.


The tiny icons should be in the same place where you modified the regular lumber icon. It may be under a different field, so you may have to scroll through that mega list.


I wish I could be more helpful, but can't check the editor right now. Away for the weekend, so I won't get back to you for a while lol. Good luck!
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
You can make the tech un-available for a player through triggers like SAUS mentioned.
When they're unavailable their icons will simply disappear from the buildings who has the research.

If you'd want their icons to still be visible, but grey/blacked out (Like when you don't have the required tech.), to give more details instead of having them simply vanish then what you'd do is to create a "dummy" unit for each of these upgrades (3 in total.) that has no model and have the ability "locust".

You'd add these units as requirements for their respective research tech tree and let the player have one of each of these 3 units from the start of the game. Later when they research either of the tech upgrades; remove the units required for the other two techs so that they can't be researched.

I.E. You research "Green" -> Remove unit Red and Blue from the game.
Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
You do one if for each tech
  • Research Begin
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins research
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If ((Researched tech-type) Equal to TechRed) then do (Player - Set the max research level of TechBlue to 0 for (Triggering player)) else do (Player - Set the max research level of TechGreen to 0 for (Triggering player))
  • Research End
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Cancels research
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If ((Researched tech-type) Equal to TechRed) then do (Player - Set the max research level of TechBlue to 1 for (Triggering player)) else do (Player - Set the max research level of TechGreen to 1 for (Triggering player))
First part will make others unresearchable, second part controls what happens if user cancels the research.
Level 2
Jul 29, 2011
Thank you, SAUS! Very helpful.

I still can't figure out which triggers will make the tech disappear.

Also, thank you, Death Adder, for an interesting idea!

Edit: Oops, someone posted an answer while I was typing this.

Edit: Thanks eagle! I see it's better to use begins research instead of finishes, to prevent misuse.

Thank you all!
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