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This is a simple library which plays customizable timed unit animations for a unit. It can also play timed unit animations after a specific amount of time.
TimerUtils by Vexorian
UnitAppearanceTracker by Anitarf
Table by Vexorian
API is inside the code documentation
UPDATED: Used keys instead of integers and TimerUtils instead of destroying timers
UPDATE 2: Code optimized, simplified API and made sure the animation speed at which a unit first begins an animation after will have the same animation speed reverted to the unit after the unit finished playing the animation (just read the doc. lol)
TimerUtils by Vexorian
UnitAppearanceTracker by Anitarf
Table by Vexorian
API is inside the code documentation
library TimedUnitAnimation initializer Init requires TimerUtils, UnitAppearanceTracker, Table
//* Author: Diehard@Azeroth at hiveworkshop.com
//* This library is used to play unit animations for a specific time at a particular speed (animation speed that is).
//* It also is able to play timed unit animations after a specific amount of time.
//* Configuration: No configurables, easy and simple to use library
//* Importing (libraries needed, just google them):
//* TimerUtils by Vexorian
//* Table by Vexorian
//* UnitAppearanceTracker by Anitarf
//* Also make sure you have the latest version of vJASS to be able to compile the scripts (version 0.A.2.B)
//* Functions API:
//* function PlayUnitTimedAnimation takes unit u, string animation, real speedPercent, real time, real animationTime returns nothing
//* Plays a unit animation for the unit u at a specific animation speed for a specific amount of time
//* after a particular amount of time ;p In other words it plays a timed unit animation after an amount of time.
//* u: the unit which will play the timed animation
//* animation: animation to be played by the unit
//* speedPercent: animation speed for the animation played, it is in %, for ex 100% speed is the normal animation speed of a unit
//* time: the amount of time to wait before playing the animation
//* animationTime: the time in which the animation is to be played for. It is specified in seconds
//* function PlayUnitTimedAnimationByIndex takes unit u, integer animationIndex, real speedPercent, real time, real animationTime returns nothing
//* Plays a timed unit animation after a specific amount of time. The animation is to be played based on the animation index.
//* u: the unit which will play the timed animation
//* animationIndex is the animation index of the animation to be played for the unit. You can find this out in wc3 model viewer
//* speedPercent: animation speed for the animation played, it is in %, for ex 100% speed is the normal animation speed of a unit
//* time: the amount of time to wait before playing the animation
//* animationTime: the time in which the animation is to be played for. It is specified in seconds
//* function PlayLateUnitTimedAnimationWithRarity takes unit u, string animation, raritycontrol rarity, real speedPercent, real animationTime returns nothing
//* Plays a timed unit animation after a specific amount of time.
//* The played animation will differ based on rarity control if it is not a specific animation; this is
//* the exact same concept and implementation as the original wc3 function.
//* u: the unit which will play the timed animation
//* animation: animation to be played by the unit
//* rarity: when dealing with random animations, it will allow you to either play the rare or common animation.
//* speedPercent: animation speed for the animation played, it is in %, for ex 100% speed is the normal animation speed of a unit
//* time: the amount of time to wait before playing the animation
//* animationTime: the time in which the animation is to be played for. It is specified in seconds
//* HINT: To play an immediate timed animation, just set the time parameter to 0
//* Credits:
//* Thanks to Purgeandfire111 and Deaod for tips regarding efficiency and/or debugging
//* A huge thanks to Anitarf for providing great advice on improving this library
//* Please give credits if you use this library
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is for any possible animation overlapping done by the user
*The order in which animations play on the same unit is based on the time in which they are played.
*The animation speed which the unit reverts to is the animation speed before the unit starts playing
any set of overlapping animations
Lets say an animation A is to be played in 6 seconds.
Lets say an animation B is to be played in 4 seconds.
First Animation A is to be played and then animation B is to be played
After 4 seconds animation B is played. After another two seconds animation A overrides animation B !
When i say animation A overrides animation B, i mean the unit plays animation A with the animation speed
you specified.
The animation speed the unit will revert to is the animation speed before the unit played its first animation.
private struct anim_data
unit animatedUnit
string animation
integer animationIndex
real animationSpeed
real previousAnimationSpeed
real animationTime
integer animationPlayMode
raritycontrol rarity
private HandleTable unitPlayAnimation
private function AnimationEnd takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local anim_data dat = GetTimerData(t)
// check if the amount of unit animations queued to the unit are none, if so then reset the animation speed and animation
// else just wait for the queued animations to finish
set unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] = unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] - 1
if unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] == 0 then
call SetUnitTimeScale(dat.animatedUnit, dat.previousAnimationSpeed)
call SetUnitAnimation(dat.animatedUnit, "stand")
call ReleaseTimer(t)
call dat.destroy()
set t = null
private function PlayLateAnimation takes nothing returns nothing
local timer expiredTimer = GetExpiredTimer()
local anim_data dat = GetTimerData(expiredTimer)
local timer animationTimer = NewTimer()
// increment the amount of animations queued to the unit
// whichever animation comes first will play first,
set unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] = unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] + 1
// play animation with a specific speed
if dat.animationPlayMode == 0 then
call SetUnitAnimation(dat.animatedUnit, dat.animation)
elseif dat.animationPlayMode == 1 then
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(dat.animatedUnit, dat.animationIndex)
elseif dat.animationPlayMode == 2 then
call SetUnitAnimationWithRarity(dat.animatedUnit, dat.animation, dat.rarity)
// if no animation is specified, play the default animation
call SetUnitAnimation(dat.animatedUnit, "stand")
call SetUnitTimeScale(dat.animatedUnit, dat.animationSpeed*0.01)
// set off a timer and recycle the expired timer
call SetTimerData(animationTimer, dat)
call TimerStart(animationTimer, dat.animationTime, false, function AnimationEnd)
call ReleaseTimer(expiredTimer)
set expiredTimer = null
set animationTimer = null
function PlayUnitTimedAnimation takes unit u, string animation, real speedPercent, real time, real animationTime returns nothing
local timer t = NewTimer()
local anim_data dat = anim_data.create()
set dat.animatedUnit = u
// only set the previous animation speed as the animation speed before any queue of animations
if unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] == 0 then
set dat.previousAnimationSpeed = GetUnitTimeScale(u)
set dat.animation = animation
set dat.animationSpeed = speedPercent
set dat.animationTime = animationTime
set dat.animationPlayMode = 0
call SetTimerData(t, dat)
call TimerStart(t, time, false, function PlayLateAnimation)
set t = null
function PlayUnitTimedAnimationByIndex takes unit u, integer animationIndex, real speedPercent, real time, real animationTime returns nothing
local timer t = NewTimer()
local anim_data dat = anim_data.create()
set dat.animatedUnit = u
if unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] == 0 then
set dat.previousAnimationSpeed = GetUnitTimeScale(u)
set dat.animationIndex = animationIndex
set dat.animationSpeed = speedPercent
set dat.animationTime = animationTime
set dat.animationPlayMode = 1
call SetTimerData(t, dat)
call TimerStart(t, time, false, function PlayLateAnimation)
set t = null
function PlayUnitTimedAnimationWithRarity takes unit u, string animation, raritycontrol rarity, real speedPercent, real time, real animationTime returns nothing
local timer t = NewTimer()
local anim_data dat = anim_data.create()
set dat.animatedUnit = u
if unitPlayAnimation[dat.animatedUnit] == 0 then
set dat.previousAnimationSpeed = GetUnitTimeScale(u)
set dat.animation = animation
set dat.rarity = rarity
set dat.animationSpeed = speedPercent
set dat.animationTime = animationTime
set dat.animationPlayMode = 2
call SetTimerData(t, dat)
call TimerStart(t, time, false, function PlayLateAnimation)
set t = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
set unitPlayAnimation = Table.create()
UPDATED: Used keys instead of integers and TimerUtils instead of destroying timers
UPDATE 2: Code optimized, simplified API and made sure the animation speed at which a unit first begins an animation after will have the same animation speed reverted to the unit after the unit finished playing the animation (just read the doc. lol)
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