yeah i dont really think it looks much like the starcraft sprite even i guess its a small file size.. really though there was already a better goliath out and now that killst4r made one this on pretty much looks like crap. i mean its an ok model and all but it doesnt look too much like a goliath and mappers arent looking for any more gollies anyways. there is however a terrible shortage on zerg. so far all i can find is hatchery, spawning pool, sunken colony, ling, hydra, defiler, and ultralisk. here's a good challenge for you: finish making the zerg, and take your time on it, make it look really good so it'll impress people. try making a mutalisk or some structures, hydra den, creep colony, spore colony, evolution chamber, spire, lair/hive etc. there is a very big demand on zerg structure and many mappers, including myself would very much appreciate some. also if you make icons i noticed that the terran missle turret is missing from the starcraft icon section, so if you could rip that from sc that would be great lol. thx