Units' square formation

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Level 2
Dec 4, 2016
i have a question. is there possible way to make a map where a group of moving units do not change their formation and move in stable shape?
i mean if you have, for example, the band of footmen, all of them close to each other, and when you select them and command to move somewhere, they're starting to loose their formation and stand in that position in final destination...
i want something like starcraft type of units move
please help me, it's very important for me
Level 9
Jul 9, 2017
I had the same problem. Solution is setting Collision Size to 0 for default Model Size (it's '1.00' for most units; Spellbreaker, for example has 1.20, Grunt 1.10).
So, if Footman has Model Size 1.00 and you set his Collision Size to 0, you will obtain your purpose of tight formation - a squad of units will walk literally shoulder to shoulder. Althought, you can't set Collision Size under 0, so if you shrink your unit model below his default Model Size, intervals between each unit in the formation will increase.

For "Model Size" I meant "Scaling Value". Sorry.
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