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[General] Questions on formations

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Level 2
Nov 9, 2017
ordered groups of units are managed with some limitations by warcraft 3.
For example, in many instances units get stuck on each other while following a path to where they need to go, and break the formation while moving.
Another example could involve the fact that formations seem to have always a rectangular shape, without possibility to have units arranged in other shapes like a triangle for example.
Control over how tightly units will pack into a formation also appears limited (as far as I understood it until now, it can be influenced exclusively by modifying collision size on the object editor. It'd be nice to know more).

I suppose that in the past more than one team of modders has tried to improve upon the basic formation handling system offered by warcraft 3. Being able to learn about their successes and limitations would be very informative. A list of these projects would be a great help, but unfortunately using the search engine hasn't really helped me in this task.
The main question is the following: as far as you know, what would be the projects that have tackled this kind of challenge/improvements with the most successful results?

I ultimately would like to make myself a realistic idea over how much formations and their movement can be altered in warcraft 3. Is scripting the best-suited tool to do it? What are the most important limits that can be foreseen?
Level 2
Nov 9, 2017
Thank you for the answer, I'm going to ask gollum_kome further information, too bad that such a core functionality is unmodifiable. Even just studying how formations are accounted for in the pathfinding system would be very interesting in its own right.
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