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[Spell] Units multicasting spells - How does this work?

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Level 4
Jan 2, 2016
Some spells (most, if I recall correctly), are what I'd call "singlecast;" that is, if you have multiple units selected, all with the ability, and you order the ability, only one unit will actually use it. Druids of the Claw using Roar is one example - only one of them actually casts it.

Other spells are cast by all units in the selection. Raise Dead is the prime example: every Necromancer in the group will cast it when the button is clicked. There could also be other abilities like this that I don't know of.

I've been trying to make custom spells based on item abilities - Amulet of Recall and Scroll of Protection. In both cases, the abilities are always cast by all units in the selection.

I had a look at tomoraider's "Rise of the Blood Elves" campaign, as he also had a unit ability similar to Scroll of Protection. I can't see any difference between what we did - we both used custom abilities based on "Item Temporary Armor Bonus," with "Item Ability" set to False and a mana cost and cooldown added; and yet his spell is cast only by one Blood Knight in the selection whereas mine is cast by all units.

Does anyone know what makes a spell multicast instead of singlecast, and how to change which it is? I could just make triggered abilities, in fact, I have another thread about triggering the Recall spell, but since this is now a systemic problem, I wanted to see if I could attack it at the source.
Level 4
Jan 2, 2016
you just mention Roar but do you know the editor also able to increase armor instead of attack damage only?

What do you mean by Roar increasing armor? There is no field for armor increase for Roar.

That map might have used that trick.

Rise of the Blood Elves does not use Roar. I actually opened it in the editor and the ability name in raw data is A###:AIda. I don't remember the exact number, but AIda is the ability used by Scroll of Protection, the same one I used. I also skimmed through the triggers and there is no trigger that refers to that ability.

However blizzard might not have intended that interaction for item since Heroes usually are very limited as you might have guessed.

What do you mean by this? Do you mean that because you would only ever have 2-3 heroes, that item abilities aren't programmed to singlecast because Blizzard deemed it unnecessary? That could easily be true, in which case I'll have to trigger the abilities I want.
Level 15
Aug 14, 2007
Purhaps in the later versions of warcraft tft of roar to have armor bonus which I cannot say but the latest warcraft patch has armor increase for roar, regard to your problem about multiple cast in group selection, you will have to trigger it, I am simply giving you hints about why blizzard do this or that and if you think that you knowledge is being insulted why bother asking other since you assume you know everything.
What do you mean by Roar increasing armor? There is no field for armor increase for Roar.

Yes it does.



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Level 4
Jan 2, 2016
Yes it does.


Yeah, I just recently noticed that. I must have assumed it wouldn't be there and so I didn't see it until now.

Purhaps in the later versions of warcraft tft of roar to have armor bonus which I cannot say but the latest warcraft patch has armor increase for roar, regard to your problem about multiple cast in group selection, you will have to trigger it, I am simply giving you hints about why blizzard do this or that and if you think that you knowledge is being insulted why bother asking other since you assume you know everything.

How do you figure I thought you were insulting my intelligence? How you worded your reply wasn't totally clear, so I asked for clarification. I never said anything hostile.
Level 7
Nov 19, 2015
obviously first sentence you claim roar had no armor value <--- come to conclusion at a whim also = mad/angry at new knowledge, sigh, people please.

I don't know if I'm being too mean for this but honestly please stop replying. All your comments in every thread is useless. I've already PMed you about all the examples of wacky replies you have given to people. You have failed to understand what people are trying to get across and given answers with limited detail, re-posting an answer already mentioned, methods which does not actually solve the problem or just plain stating the obvious.

Please delete this comment if it does not comply with Hive's code of conduct.

Back to the question. Is it possible that he had another trigger that detected the cast and then ordered all units in selection to also cast said ability?
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