Unit variables, Specific unit event, and the "Takes Damage" function

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Level 4
Apr 29, 2020
Im trying to use the "takes Damage" event function in order to make an "amplify damage" type spell. Unfortunately this function only seems to exist in the "specific unit" events. Problem with "specific units" is that i cannot seem to use custom variables for that event, I can only use existing units. do any of you know how to get the "takes damage" function to work for generic unit events or how to use custom variables in specific unit events?
Level 24
Feb 27, 2019
Id say use Bribes DDS aswell.

You can however add to events through actions.

Add to " Trigger" the event "Unit" takes damage. There is no easy way to remove from event so its therefor not a good solution for lots of units. It also lacks a lot of useful functionality that Bribes DDs allows. If you add Variable takes damage it will add the current unit in the variable to the event. So it basically wont work for you either way.
Level 4
Apr 29, 2020
I'd suggest Bribe's DDS since it handles that much and more, but it entirely depends if you are using a recent version.
Thank you :) one of my main goals for this project is to keep it Classic-friendly. (while i do have reforged i have friends who dont and this is for them). Im not seeing "classic compatible" in any of the description for DDS... Will it not work on classic?
Level 4
Apr 29, 2020
Id say use Bribes DDS aswell.

You can however add to events through actions.

Add to " Trigger" the event "Unit" takes damage. There is no easy way to remove from event so its therefor not a good solution for lots of units. It also lacks a lot of useful functionality that Bribes DDs allows. If you add Variable takes damage it will add the current unit in the variable to the event. So it basically wont work for you either way.
cool. thank you. Im going to give what you mentioned about adding to triggers a try before i proceed to DL the Bribes DDs. But I think i have been pointed in the right direction :) thank you much
Level 4
Apr 29, 2020
Bribes DDS works on classic, is super useful and easy to use. It will work much better than adding takes damage events and also make it easier when you decide to add more spells/units that require detection.
excellent :) thank you very much. yall are always so helpful. this community rocks!
Level 4
Apr 29, 2020
Id say use Bribes DDS aswell.

You can however add to events through actions.

Add to " Trigger" the event "Unit" takes damage. There is no easy way to remove from event so its therefor not a good solution for lots of units. It also lacks a lot of useful functionality that Bribes DDs allows. If you add Variable takes damage it will add the current unit in the variable to the event. So it basically wont work for you either way.
ya I thought i had it figured out by tying the "add to trigger" to a "unit begins casting ability" event and It all looked good.... game crashed upon casting spell. My guess is because i have over 1100 triggers currently and my comp cant handle going through all of that in game. Def going to be dling Bribes DDs. Thank you agin. youve been very helpful
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