Unit Type Window Broken

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Level 1
Aug 29, 2022
I recently got back into the War3 editor and am navigating the various issues with help from this forum. I was wondering if anyone is having the same problem with the Unit Type window when modifying a field in the Object Editor. In the old days,this window had the proper dimensions so none of the drop-down menus were obscured, and you could see icons 4 or 5 across. Kind of like the Unit Palette.

I have googled a number of different descriptions but can't seem to find a solution. I know Reforged is a whole barrel of bugs but thought I would put this out there in case there is fix.



  • Unit Type Window.png
    Unit Type Window.png
    144.8 KB · Views: 36
Yeah everyone has this problem since Patch 1.33 (august 17) I believe.

Blizzard probably won't fix it, along with all the other editor crashes and game crashes and stuff introduced in the August 17th patch. We are not sure they have anyone technical who even understands the game anymore. The rumor is that 1 guy left from the Reforged team released Patch 1.33 on August 17th even though it was made in 2020 by the (now disbanded) classic games team. After Patch 1.33 went live with all these bugs a job opening appeared at Blizzard for a WoW server engineer who part times with fixing War3. So the guy after he published the update with all these bugs might have left the company for all we know.
Level 1
Aug 29, 2022
Yeah everyone has this problem since Patch 1.33 (august 17) I believe.

Blizzard probably won't fix it, along with all the other editor crashes and game crashes and stuff introduced in the August 17th patch. We are not sure they have anyone technical who even understands the game anymore. The rumor is that 1 guy left from the Reforged team released Patch 1.33 on August 17th even though it was made in 2020 by the (now disbanded) classic games team. After Patch 1.33 went live with all these bugs a job opening appeared at Blizzard for a WoW server engineer who part times with fixing War3. So the guy after he published the update with all these bugs might have left the company for all we know.
Dang yo. That's a pretty bleak outlook. Has blizz even acknowledged all the problems with 1.33? What was 1.33 supposed to be fixing?

Is the assumption that the staff who work on maintenance for war3 aren't knowledgeable enough to deal with bugs like this? I've played blizzard games since Warcraft 2. It's really sad and disappointing to see good IP's/products fail like this.
What was 1.33 supposed to be fixing?
This patch added the Ranked Ladder to the versus mode.
Unfortunately, there are multiple reports that when you play Ranked, often games will glitch and be unrecorded or else flip so you get a "Loss" in your record after you win the game. Or other times, a "Win" counts bad on your record and subtracts ranking points for an unknown reason even though it says "Win." I do not play much ranked so for me when I played usually the game either crashed or forgot to record my matches, so I can't confirm personally that it changes "Win" to "Loss" but given the other kinds of issues I am inclined to believe the reports of that.
Is the assumption that the staff who work on maintenance for war3
Yeah the assumption that staff work on maintenance for this is probably flawed for all I know. If we think about that job posting, they list it as a WoW server engineer who would be asked to work on "Warcraft 3 Remaster" on the side. They don't care to call it by its official game name "Reforged" on the job app, and they make it clear there isn't a job for just fixing Reforged as someone's main focus. It probably wouldn't be worth it to them to have someone work on that full time -- if I had to guess -- but that guess is only my own conjecture.
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