Unit takes damage event

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Level 4
Nov 18, 2021
Hello, I've searched far and wide but can't seem to find this event.
What does this condition refers to then?
Level 4
Nov 18, 2021
Takes Damage is a "Specific Unit Event" not a generic. I believe this is one of the major reasons why something like Bribe's damage system is so valuable. It is able to keep track of all the units and their damage events.
why did devs do it like this??
Anyways. as I see, this specific event does not allow unit-type / unit with specific ability / all units / etc, instead I have to manually choose it on the map
Is there a way for me to not do that? I can, theoretically make a trigger literally for every unit in the map, but what if I have to pick a unit that will spawn from trigger/ability, for example?
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Level 4
Nov 18, 2021
Ok, apparently even though it is not allowed to use variables in event, you can use them by adding them through trigger - add event
I have to spend some time polishing (auto-adding summoned units, among other things) this but it did figure out the killer properly


That's why Bribe's Damage Engine is so highly recommended. It handles all this for you and lets you use "generic" damage taken events in your triggers.

I reaaaallly don't wanna use stuff I don't understand and don't have time to learn coding rn

Ok, apparently even though it is not allowed to use variables in event, you can use them by adding them through trigger - add event
I have to spend some time polishing (auto-adding summoned units, among other things) this but it did figure out the killer properly


I reaaaallly don't wanna use stuff I don't understand and don't have time to learn coding rn
Well, that's worrying
Will try fixing it tommorow

Of course I can't sleep without at least making it not freeze.
This one works



And this one adds summoned units.
IDK man, this looks like a good alternative for importing damage engine.
Does anyone have any ideas about why it should be bad?
It finds a killer, but can be re-written to find who dealt damage and I don't require anything else.
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Level 25
Feb 9, 2009
Damage engine has a large number of options but you don't have to use them all.
Having it just within the trigger editor allows you to use the variables to do something like this:
  • Footman hurts footmen more!
    • Events
      • Game - Value or Real of Variable(DamageEvent) becomes Equal to 1.00
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of DamageEventSource) Equal to Footman
      • (Unit-type of DamageEventTarget) Equal to Footman
    • Actions
      • Set VariableSet DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount x 1.50)
And Bribe himself still hangs out here to answer questions about it, as well as many other hive users that regularly use it, so if you have issues or questions they can help.

And based on your test trigger above you can use the "LethalEvent" to catch when a unit dies:
  • Example
    • Events
      • Game - LethalDamageEvent becomes Equal to 1.00
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of DamageEventSource) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
Just need to copy the test map's folder that says "Damage engine" (And shove the variable folder in there for good measure too.) into your trigger editor.
But be sure your preferences allow variable creation stuff:


Warcraft Moderator
Level 69
Aug 10, 2018
To clarify something, you don't have to rely on a Specific Unit Event to detect damage. I think it was like that back in the day but not anymore.

We have generic damage events now but they're only accessible through code.

local trigger trig = CreateTrigger();
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGING);
TriggerAddAction(trig, UnitDealtDamage);

local trigger trig = CreateTrigger();
TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGED);
TriggerAddAction(trig, UnitWasDamaged);
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