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Unit portraits disappeared

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Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I was play testing my campaign. After a cinematic the portraits for my two heroes were gone. By "portraits" I mean the faces that appear in the window above their hit points and mana (I'm referring to he animated portraits, not the icons). Instead they were just completely black.

I saved my game and reloaded it, and they appeared again. This has only happened the one time (so far) but it really freaked me out. Does anyone know what might have caused this?
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
With great power comes great responsibility. And with a bazillion hacky niche solutions comes great fuck-up.
I know the problem. You probably used Letterbox Mode as an alternative to Cinematic Mode. Letterbox mode causes this weird bug.

Just make it like this:

  • Cinematic - Turn Cinematic Mode On
  • Cinematic - Turn Cinematic Mode Off
This little trick will fix disappeared portraits. Run those triggers once your Letterbox mode is off and your cinematic is over.

Another solution would be not to use Letterbox mode at all. Instead use Cinematic Mode.
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004
I know the problem. You probably used Letterbox Mode as an alternative to Cinematic Mode. Letterbox mode causes this weird bug.

Just make it like this:

  • Cinematic - Turn Cinematic Mode On
  • Cinematic - Turn Cinematic Mode Off
This little trick will fix disappeared portraits. Run those triggers once your Letterbox mode is off and your cinematic is over.

Another solution would be not to use Letterbox mode at all. Instead use Cinematic Mode.

I think we have a winner here!!! This is a very old cinematic; made when I used to manually use letterbox rather than "cinematic mode." I did some tweaking a while back and I bet this resulted.

Thanks so much guys, I really had no idea. + rep all around.
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