Is there possibility to get unit name from integer unitid? I've wrote a function which will spawn creeps and it takes as a parameter unitid (integer) of creep because CreateUnitAtLoc is using it. I would like to have a possibility to display for players what kind of creep it will be, ie. "Next wave: Footman", not "Next wave: hfoo"
I can't use GetUnitName because it needs handle to unit, not unitid. I'm browsing trough functions but I haven't found anything useful. It could be done by creating unit, getting name and removing that unit - but to create unit only for getting it's name is a little bit pointless.
I can't use GetUnitName because it needs handle to unit, not unitid. I'm browsing trough functions but I haven't found anything useful. It could be done by creating unit, getting name and removing that unit - but to create unit only for getting it's name is a little bit pointless.