Well im trying but i cant find it;p
I have unit, she buy item then she die. After death she should get this item, but i cant trigger this.
- normal ( nonhero) unit
- dynamic map ( paintball )
- random model ( never same unit revive )
- before unit respawn 1st game check where she can respawn, if she find spot then she random model then spawn her.
- hero inventory
- item(s) sholud be in inventory not spawned under their legs
Then question is how to give dead unit to new spawned, items belongs to player.
Thanks for any tips
I have unit, she buy item then she die. After death she should get this item, but i cant trigger this.
- normal ( nonhero) unit
- dynamic map ( paintball )
- random model ( never same unit revive )
- before unit respawn 1st game check where she can respawn, if she find spot then she random model then spawn her.
- hero inventory
- item(s) sholud be in inventory not spawned under their legs
Then question is how to give dead unit to new spawned, items belongs to player.
Thanks for any tips