Undead Souls Consumption Thing

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Level 3
May 5, 2015
I'm making a Alternate Melee Map
The Undeads can only build 1 Black Citadel
How do i make their Town Hall to limit build of Black Citadel to 1?

My Next Question/Request is
I want the Black Citadel to Absorb Souls each time Undead units they own kills non undead (Much like Nevermore in DOTA's Necromancy)
And have a max of 100 soul which increases the armor of the Black Citadel and produces a aura(endurance aura) which levels up each soul absorpt
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
The second one isn't hard. You create a dummy for the soul model (in case of Nevermore, it's Destroyer's missile, the black soul ray). When a unit dies, you check by Boolean Comparison ---> Unit - Unit Classification Check (you already have it in front of you) that the killing unit is an Undead and that the dying unit is not undead and, clearly, not mechanical. Next, create an integer variable called Souls for example. When a living unit dies from an undead, you create the dummy and order it to go to the Black Citadel (since there will be only one, you can use a unit variable to memorise it). Don't forget to add the condition "Integer Comparison" to make "Souls Less than 100"

When a dummy comes within range of the Black Citadel, you remove it and add 1 to Souls such that when it reaches 100, the trigger which spawns dummies doesn't activate.

As for the aura thing, it's very simple. You let the Endurance Aura have 100 levels and when a soul is gained, you set the level of Endurance Aura to Souls.
Level 11
Jan 23, 2015
Make this trigger:

a unit dies
unit classification of dying unit is undead = false
unit classification of dying unit is mechanical = false
unit classification of killing unit is undead = true
Souls is not equal to 100
number of units owned by player 1 of type Black Citadel is greater than or equal to 1
set Souls = Souls + 1
set Citadel = random unit from units in playable map area owned by player 1 of type Black Citadel
set SoulPos = position of dying unit
create 1 SoulsDummy at SoulPos
issue SoulsDummy to attack-once Citadel
remove SoulsDummy from the game
set level of endurance aura of Citadel to Souls
set level of item ability ring of protection of Citadel to Souls
call . DestroyLocation(udg_SoulPos)

make the projectile of the dummy the model you wish to be a soul and make it deal 0 dmg and also, set the animation damage point to 0 and range to 99999
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