I'm making a Alternate Melee Map
The Undeads can only build 1 Black Citadel
How do i make their Town Hall to limit build of Black Citadel to 1?
My Next Question/Request is
I want the Black Citadel to Absorb Souls each time Undead units they own kills non undead (Much like Nevermore in DOTA's Necromancy)
And have a max of 100 soul which increases the armor of the Black Citadel and produces a aura(endurance aura) which levels up each soul absorpt
The Undeads can only build 1 Black Citadel
How do i make their Town Hall to limit build of Black Citadel to 1?
My Next Question/Request is
I want the Black Citadel to Absorb Souls each time Undead units they own kills non undead (Much like Nevermore in DOTA's Necromancy)
And have a max of 100 soul which increases the armor of the Black Citadel and produces a aura(endurance aura) which levels up each soul absorpt