I've done some testing on the goldmines in order to get them to work in the way you want them to.
Here are my results:
The Gather/Harvest abilities only work with their proper race. Humans can not gather from Haunted Goldmines, even if they have the ability to do so, same goes to Entangled Goldmines. This applies to the other races aswell of course.
Creating a haunted goldmine and then replace it after construction will result in a displaced additional goldmine.
Instead of replacing using Chaos ability will result in a 0 Gold goldmine and cannot be changed.
Entangled Goldmines cannot be built on goldmines.
In order to cast the Entangle Goldmine ability from Tree of Life the casting unit has to be rooted.
Use advanced triggers to simulate the harvesting.
I have some ideas on how you COULD get it to work without too much triggers but the main problem is you cannot BUILD entangled goldmines. With that I mean, peasant is standing there hammering the goldmine and if he stops, the construction progress stops aswell. You can however make it so that the peasant does not have to stand next to it or the entangled goldmine is finished instantly.