Unable to start custom maps

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Level 3
Oct 10, 2014
After the recent patch none of my custom maps from before the patch work. I thought this issue would be resolved after a couple of weeks, but it seems that no one has found a concrete answer or solution to this so I am making this post to sort of get answers.

Okay so what is exactly the problem? Well when I run warcraft 3 and try to start a custom map, the game returns to the main screen and a blank textless bar with a red hexagon appears. Clearly it cannot run the custom map. I then tried to run standard games and all seemed good. I moved the map files to x86_64 as was suggested to me in another post, but to no avail. So I thought to myself maybe if I make a few changes to the map all would be good, but I was wrong. Finally I tried running the map from the world editor and it worked! Yet when I tried running the same map from the actual game I got the same dud. So what am I doing wrong? What's going on and how do I fix it? Clearly there is a solution as I keep seeing videos from Wtiiwarcraft playing custom games, but I can't seem to be able to do so. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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