Hello again Plasma Boy. I just played quite a long game of Ultimate War. It was awesome and I saw a myraid of enemy and allied units. However, my allies had some complaints about "OP" monsters, the most complained about was none other than the Immortal Archfiend mentioned in the quests. Although we did kill it, it was only after we had surrounded it with many allied units, including a Golden Dragon. Since my hero and my allies' heroes seemed to have no effect on it, may I inquire: How do I beat the damn monster?
(Also, when my ally raised its corpse, the Immortal Archfiend seemed to die rather qquickly to the enemies. Can you explain this?
Actually, in my opinion, I liked all the immortal and godly units. Although we got totally butchered by them, I think units such as dragons and giant demons are underrated in maps. They SHOULD be army killing juggernauts only defeatable with a huge effort.
EDIT: I've found a couple (possible) bugs while playing Ultimate War more. First, Thanok does not have Divine Armor, even though he is a Divine Being. Is this intentional? A minor aesthetic bug is that Skeleton Mage has Unholy Strength and Unholy Armor upgrades next to its attack and armor values. A suggestion I'd like to make is to make Darth Revan stronger or give him a ranged attack. He has 625 health, and a slow melee attack that does about the same damage as any other hero. One last thing I'd like to suggest is to make the game slightly easier. Only slightly. I've played about twelve games of this and have not won any single one. About nine of those games were in singleplayer with Easy mode on.
Thanks in advance.
Oh hey, sorry for my late response but I've been busy with my studies.
1.Well about the freaking "immortal archfiend", that creep is a special minion that has spell immunity and it absorbs almost all physical damage, in the "game info"/"quests" menu, I said that to deal with "immortals" you should hire the "mystical fire hawk" at your base, or attack him while wielding the "mystical sword" sold at the "blacskmith".
The immortal archfiend is vulnerable to: mystical fire hawk's attack (mercenary that you can hire at the mercenary camp at your base), the Sky Dragon's attack (other mercenary that you can hire at the mercenary camp at your base), attacking it while wielding the "mystical sword", the hero "Predator - Alien Hunter" can kill him with ease after learning "energy blade", the hero "Avatar of Wrath - Zhaggad" after learning "Lightning Claws" and there are some ultimate spells that can also damage him. When the immortal archfiend's corpse is raised, it is raised without his abilities that is why it can be killed easily when its reanimated.
2.Thanok doesn't have divine armor because it made him to damn powerful, the same thing goes for Hyperion, although they both have the ability power shield which makes them tougher than most heroes with divine armor. Not all divine beings have divine armor, I created that classification for heroes that were too powerful, but not all of them have divine armor.
3.Oh yes the upgrades, I think I have some units with that thing, I'll fix that.
4.Darth Revan is a tough hero to handle, but from my experience you can beat the game with him using items that increase his max life (periapt of vitality, amulet of the ancients, mighty armor), to make him tougher, invulnerability potions, to confront bosses and once he learns "Master of the Force", he doubles all attack damage, making all attack boosting items grant him their bonus doubled (as Demon Axe increases the attack by 400 with "Master of the Force" it would allow him to deal 800 extra damage). The "Master of the Force" ability also reduces the damage of ranged attacks greatly, as well as the damage of some spells. But since this is achieved after reaching high levels, I'll see what I can do to improve him.
You were not able to win? that is fucked up, specially in easy mode, I'll have to do something about that.
Ok one of the things is that I will make easy mode even easier for people to learn how everything works and get a grip of the game and probably I will include a spellbook with info about some bosses and how to defeat them that I will give to each player when they choose their hero, I'll update the game with those changes soon. I will also add you to the credits, since your insights about the game are very helpful to me, because I have been the one testing the game from the beginning, but since I know every aspect of it, is hard for me to tell how difficult it is for the average player and what elements might be to complex or annoying in the game.
I'll be looking forward for more suggestions and critics to improve the game.
Another thing; you got to tell me what are the things that you sense that got you screwed in the game.
In the mean time, I'll give you hints to get advantage in the game:
1. Mercenary units are very important in this game, use them to conquer neutral bases and to help you to deal with bosses and armies, here comes some tips about them:
*"Mortar Team", it has siege attack and is able to attack mercenary bases and "magic/serpent wards" without being attacked by them.
*"Light Enforcer" powerful verstile unit, with the demolish ability and very resistant in combat.
*"Dark Steel Guardian", highly resistant unit use i as a tank to absorb damage, when playing with a hero that is too weak in it's first levels.
*"Mystical Fire Hawk", attacks from a very long distance and has fast movement speed. It can kill all "immortal" units just attacking them.
*"Crystal Magus" it can attack 9 enemy units at once, good to deal with armies.
*"Sky Dragon" powerful merc able to kill "immortals" with its attack and has 2 AOE damage spells that damages all type of units (units, wards, buildings). It also has the spell "Destruction Sphere" which deals 12000 damage to structures.
2.You have to be very aware of the battlefield, because beside normal units, there are many units that will tear you down if you don't pay attention to them. Here comes a few thing:
*"Siege Units" all enemy units with the word siege on their names deal extreme damage to structures, you have kill them as fast as posible or they will tear your defenses fast. The "Infernal Colossus" and the "Bane of Civilization" are also siege units, although they don't have the word siege in their names.
*Look out for teal dots on the map, almost all those units are boss units and they focuse on attacking/conquering neutral bases and once their done with them, they will come to tear your base.
3.To deal with bosses:
*After researching glyphs of knowledege a b c d (in easy mode is done), click on the the shinning palace, it has two abilities that can help you to kill powerful units, one is "divine punishment" which deals damage over time, but it can be dispelled, although not by the afflicted unit, since it wont be able to cast spells. The other spell is "magical meteor", this one is the best to deal with bosses since it deals 13000 damage and paralizes them for 40 seconds, it can also be cast on wards and structures. To cast this spells click on the "shinning palace", then click on the spell, then click on the minimap to find the unit you want to kill and then just click on that unit. Also to use the spells of the shinning palace can grant you a great advantage in the war.
*Also to deal with bosses or giant armies you can buy the "Scepter of Judgement" at the "sacred statue of divinity", it will create a massive explosion that will deal 15000 damage to all units caught in the blast.
*"immortal" units have the common trait that they are hyper resistant to attack damage so most of them have to be killed using spells, exept for the Immortal Archfiend which can only be killed using the special means I described above.
*Beware of units that cast spells that puts them a shinny green glow on them, they have the ability "Unholy Might" which enhances their attack greatly and speeds up their life regeneration significantly, to defeat them you have to dispel that buff in order to kill them.
4. Neutral bases are really important, don't let the enemy conquer to much, specially if the great war is aproaching, beacuse if the enemy conquers 6 or more bases for the moment of the great war, probably you will get trampled, since the amount of neutral bases controlled by a faction determines, the power of the armies summoned by that faction during the "great war". You have to take it into account specially for the fourth "great war", since is the most definning great war of all, because there is where the the "Clash of the Titans" takes place.
*To fight against the titans use the "Scepter of Judgement" and invulnerability potions and abilities at your disposal.
5. Also to attack the enemy base, before attacking the towers, you should destroy the wards that enhance them. The wards are those crystal thingies you find near the towers at the the enemy base and your own base, you cand do that using invulnerability potions or "the rocket launcher" item sold at the chaos laboratory.
6. One thing to keep in mind, is that almost all hero spells and items, where the hero hurls a rocket, rock, energy sphere or any other kind of missile can be used on enemy; units, structures and wards. Also many spells of divine beings can be casted anywhere on the map no matter the distance, for example the dispel magic/absorb magic of divine beings can be casted form any distance (I don't remember if I put that in the tool tips but I will check it).
Ok that is everything for now, thank you for the feedback. I'll keep working on the game to make it more balanced and player friendly.