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Two Questions (hide health bars)

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Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
1. I'm pretty sure you can't archieve this fully. You can hide only hero level/unit level tooltip part. Personaly, I never have found a way to hide the second component - hero's name, and without doing this, hiding sucks.

Meaby locust ability? :p

2. If you modify the AoE unit indicator, the change will apply to all units, even those who are right targets ;/
If I'm not mistaken model should be hidden within: UI\Feedback\Radius1\Radius1.mdx.

If any of information is invalid - appologises.
And, I'm sorry that it's probably not response you have been looking for.
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
For the first problem try messing around with unit classifications. I think if you fool around enough you can get the name to not show. It might also have to do with the hero being considered neutral(that often makes their name appear on hover).
Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
Well; you could set the "Glacion" name to nothing. it'd at least shrink the box.
: /
Kinda an annoying issue; but it's only really annoying if people hold down alt a lot. You could change your health/mana bar's offset so it's not directly where the on hover tooltip is. That might be the better solution.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
Well, the nameboxes are too high, the distance between the hero and its healthbar would be way too high. Also, I wouldn't give a f**k if it'd appear when the player presses Tab, but the sad thing is that it appears even when you hover your mouse over that unit, which is annoying when casting spells.

At the moment I'm studying the FeedBack folder and the built-in fonts, maybe I can do something with them to get this work.
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
I know of 2 solutions for your first problem.
  • Game - Enable pre-selection functionality (Disable pre-selection circles, life bars, and object info)
2. Give locust to your unit, hide it, remove locust, show the unit.

Try both solutions to see which looks better. The first one disables pre-selection circles which doesn't look good, although i'm not sure if second does too.

For second problem, i highly doubt you can manage that.
Level 16
Aug 7, 2009
I've already tested the second one, sadly it makes the unit unselectable. I'll give the first one a try in a moment.

EDIT: okay, the first one works. I'm fine without the pre-selection thingie. I did not know that such a function exists.

Thanks for the answer! (I'm ready for other ideas tho'. Let's find the best way - however I'm not sure if there's any more)
Level 20
Jul 6, 2009
I've already tested the second one, sadly it makes the unit unselectable. I'll give the first one a try in a moment.
Really? It worked for me using
call UnitAddAbility(gg_unit_Hblm_0001,'Aloc')
call ShowUnit( gg_unit_Hblm_0001 ,false)
call UnitRemoveAbility(gg_unit_Hblm_0001,'Aloc')
call ShowUnit( gg_unit_Hblm_0001 ,true)
It was slightly harder to select the unit, but not much of a problem.
But still, the effect is pretty much same as in 1st solution.
Answer for first question isn't hard if I only knew where main GameString wacraft3 data is. It's .fdf file. There are globals for each changeable string. Most of constant ones are in UI\FrameDef\GlobalStrings.fdf
You could overwrite such file after editing it (yeah, you would probably force users to have english commands during the game :D).

@Garfield: your 'Aloc' solution isn't accurate. Given unit won't be targetable by spells, nor "smart" orders.
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