Twisted Timeline Twister idea... thing?

Should I do this?

  • Yeah totally! You're on your own though.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Yeah totally! I'd be glad to help.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yeah, from a different angle. You're on your own though.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yeah, from a different angle. I'd like to help.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yeah, but I'll be playing Sc2, so... You're on your own.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yeah, but I'll be playing Sc2, so... I'd like to help though.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, try something else man.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No, just, no. You should quit while you're ahead.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
I just messed up my alliteration there. Anyhoo, new idea for a map. You know that project universe I'm trying to pull outta my head/hat/@$$? Well, I've got a crazy awesome idea for a "Final Boss" of sorts. What is it? Well...
I've got an idea for a 9 player co-op. 3 teams of 3 heroes enter the "dungeon" from different raids in the history, the medieval past (humans), the magical present (lizardmen and avians), and the technological future (humans again). However, upon stepping foot inside the threshold, they are one step further into a twisted version of the future (with the future team all the way at the back, in a twisted medieval history). There would be a basic boss at the end of the first floor. Then the second "floor" would be the same deal (different layout), with the medieval team being in the far future, the magical team in the medieval past, and the future team in the Magical future. A second basic boss will block the elevator (yes, all three will have an elevator platform as a boss arena), followed by an elevator drop fight, followed by the final boss- who rises from the middle of the elevator.

The boss is a G.I.A.N.T. (Gargantuan Intelligence and Advanced Neo-space Travel) computer that reaches across space and time to store recordings of every event, no matter how minor. Something, somewhere, somewhen, has tripped its defense mechanism, and tore the time and space of our big little planet. It defends itself by use of small nodes that orbit it, stopping occasionally to imitate a recorded attack (might have a "random" encounter with a glowing orb that stores how much damage was dealt to it divided by the number of players still playing by that point), or copy-pasta units from one of the three eras (or anywhen for that matter)- this includes copy-pasta-ing the player heroes.

For those of you who don't like spoilers:
Dungeon Run.
3 teams of 3.
Max. Level 20. (20, not 200. Why do I need 200 levels for 4-6 abilities anyway? If I have a limit, I can tailor my difficulty to that, so hah!) Players start at Max. Level on Easy, Lvl. 15 on Normal, Lvl. 10 on Hard, Lvl. 5 on Lunatic (sorry, I've been playing too much Touhou lately. By play, I mean run into every bullet on screen).
Separate paths until the final boss.
Lots of copy-pasta during last boss.
Attack glowing blue orbs whenever you see them, they'll give you extra points, honest! :thumbs_up:

So... any thoughts? Any additions/subtractions? This is a rough concept right now, so no clue what I'm doin' for heroes. :sad:
Oh, if you're going to quote something in the spoilers, could you also keep it spoiler'd? I know it won't help, but... :hohum:
Level 7
Jul 24, 2008

The boss is a G.I.A.N.T. (Gargantuan Intelligence and Advanced Neo-space Travel) computer that reaches across space and time to store recordings of every event, no matter how minor. Something, somewhere, somewhen, has tripped its defense mechanism

You lost me there... Wtf??
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
I know, I think I kinda lost me there too! :vw_wtf:

Darned if I didn't know much about my own idea. Anyway, I don't think an advanced computer that can manipulate time and space is supposed to exist, I mean, what if it gets a virus? Or it suddenly turns smart?

Anyway, I was thinking on having the boss be in one huge circular arena, and when each team popped in, it would get a little harder by:
  • Increasing HP and Max HP.
  • Learning abilities and enemy types of the entering team's era.
  • Splitting the teams up with a spinning lazer wall (that stops when a portal opens for an attack/summon, and starts when the portal closes).
  • Oh, it's a lode-bearing boss, and the team won't make it. :wink:

EDIT: Just had another idea to add: Since the heroes would be at lvl 20, they go through their own timeline's dungeons as normal, and fight the enemies they would have fought had the time computer never existed.

EDIT the 2nd: I've started! No name yet, so no thread in Map Development. Maybe "Triple Team Timeline Twister"? Naw, too long! Anyway, here's the proof of purchase:


Teams from left to right: PAST, GIFT, FUTURE

Enter the PAST

The left-most party enters the castle yard. There will be archers on the walls later, but no way to get up to them. How will the swordsmen survive?

Enter the FUTURE

The right-most party approaches the installation from the front door! What morons!
The force-field safety barriers were made by ScorpioT1000 of that other site that I can't mention for some reason.

Also, yes, I plan to utilize resources from wc3c, the Hive, and No, I don't remember who made what. I had to dig that up after the fact. :sad:
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Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
Yeah,yeah,yeah, double post.

Hmm... You make a good point. Very well then, the teams will be decided at random. Messages relating to characters in a teams timeline will be sent to that team only. There will be points where teams will have to complete a puzzle or objective before the other teams can move on. Don't worry, they themselves cannot move on until the other teams can.

EDIT: Wait a minute, that means... D'oh! I still have to make it compatible with Single-Player. Perhaps... If the number of players is less than three, I'll put all the players in one group, and give them 1 hero per area. I'd also disable "Lunatic" as an option, though really, that was inspired by Touhou, and I don't really know how I'll do that...

EDIT a few days later: Ok, 4 votes Yes in varying degrees, no naysayers... I think I'll start this thing! Now, if only I didn't get a very depressing college bill... (why didn't I remember to start the financial aid on time? Where do I go to work, McDonalds? Taco Bell? Why are those the only options? Why does every job need a degree in astrophysics? Oh... T_T )

Alright, I decided to work on Heroes/Units as I build the terrain. First Hero:

Era: Medieval
Profession: Ranger
  • Shadow Meld: Innate Ability. The Ranger is hidden at night while no actions are taken, and is revealed when any action is taken.
  • Power Shot (Q): 5 Levels. Deal 100..350..600 damage to target unit, and stun it for 2 seconds.
  • Ignite Arrows (W): 5 Levels. The Ranger's attacks deal 25..75..125 fire damage to the attack target and surrounding foes. Lasts 15..25..35 seconds. 20..30..40 second cooldown.
  • Frenzy (E): 5 Levels. Boost attack rate for 20 seconds.
  • ____ (R): _ Levels. _________________________________

To be honest, I'm not happy with Frenzy, and tests show that the 10 to 50 damage that Ignite arrows did, either wasn't enough, or didn't go through the trigger (which is relies on the GUI Damage Detection). I might replace either Frenzy or ______ with a summon, trap, support buff, or a multi-shot (gotta figure out how to do that).

This hero is heavily inspired by Guild Wars, but I think abilities from a different game may help. Any ideas for the last (2) ability(ies)?
Resources Used:
Diablo Rogue by 67Chrome
- Ignite Arrows:
Ground Explosion by WILLTHEALMIGHTY (SFX)
Diablo 2 SFX Pack by Daelin (Enchant)

EDIT: Should I make a new thread in Map Development? Yeah, I should. I totally should.

EDIT2: And I did! Right Here!
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Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
Hero Idea fillings...

This is really complicated! Argh! ANYWAYS...

I've started on the Thief for the Medieval team, and I'm stuck thinking of abilities for him. So far he has Shadow Meld (as the default Unit Ability), and Wind Walk and Shadow Strike (or whatever that Warden ability was).

I've also thought about having an Herbalist hero that creates potions (Healing, Mana, Explosions) and monster bait, but... I'm not sure.

Other ideas:
  • Ranger (Trapper Version) - Shadow Meld, Summon Pet, Spike Trap (movement debuff), Viper Pit (HP debuff), and Healing Fountain (Trap that heals when enemy in range).
  • Warrior (Sword Version) - Taunt, Hamstring (movement debuff), Cleave (HP debuff), Healing Signet, Offensive Stance (Atk+, Def-).
  • Mage - Spell Book, Offensive Spells (Magic Missle, Fire Bolt/Ball, Color Spray/Chromatic Orb, Thunder Bolt/Forked Lightning/Chain Lightning), Defensive Spells (Mage Armor, Protection from Missles, Spell Shield, Mana Shield), Summon Spells (Summon Monster (I,II,III), Summon (Lesser, , Greater) Elemental).
Any thoughts/suggestions?
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Ranger (Trapper Version) - Shadow Meld, Summon Pet, Spike Trap (movement debuff), Viper Pit (HP debuff), and Healing Fountain (Trap that heals when enemy in range).
Warrior (Sword Version) - Taunt, Hamstring (movement debuff), Cleave (HP debuff), Healing Signet, Offensive Stance (Atk+, Def-).
Dude, forget Guild Wars, get some originality :thumbs_up:

What you do on the behalf of the medieval team is copiing Guild Wars abilities :p If you need Hero Ideas I can give you some, just please, don't do it anymore, my heart aches, and if Dragonson will see it, you'll NEVER EVER get a signature from him :p

If you wanna make GW heros, make a GW map-uh no, if you wanna play GW characters, go play GW :ogre_frown: I see no good thing in theese "looks like a..." maps... Only the WoW-copy type maps have some meaning as they share the same universe with WC3, and maybe Diablo3 Warcraft because they couldn't wait for the real thing
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
I see your point. As this map take place in neither universe, it wouldn't do me any good to copy their training patterns would it? And yes, I do need help with coming up with heroes... You can tell just how badly... er... rather, I can come up with heroes, but... I don't know how they should act... :vw_sad:
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