Twilight/Old Gods Faction Upgrades

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Also I'll need to alarm that I'll use the Tool Button Manager/Icon Making Tool and use some Items to recolor to be close to dark, bluish and purple like Twilight's Hammer.

Once you download I didn't renamed but if you want rename feel free to do so but the credits belong to me and mostly to Blizzard Entertainment.

Crop and edit size for 64x64 Source (Ranged Attack):
Crop and edit size for 64x64 Source (Melee Attack):
Crop and edit size for 64x64 Source (Armor Attack):
Crop and edit size for 64x64 Source (Shoulder Attack):,

Twilight Armor Upgrade 1 (Icon)

Twilight Armor Upgrade 2 (Icon)

Twilight Armor Upgrade 3 (Icon)

Twilight Mage/Creatures Armor 1 (Icon)

Twilight Mage/Creatures Armor 2 (Icon)

Twilight Mage/Creatures Armor 3 (Icon)

Twilight Melee Attack 1 (Icon)

Twilight Melee Attack 2 (Icon)

Twilight Melee Attack 3 (Icon)

Twilight Ranged Attack 1 (Icon)

Twilight Ranged Attack 2 (Icon)

Twilight Ranged Attack 3 (Icon)
