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Level 5
Nov 23, 2004
I have read about turrets in the pdf documentation of the warcraft 3 art tools, but I haven't undesrstood it very well. Do you know how can it be done?
I've tried to create a model with the bone_turret, but it doesn't do anything in the game.
Thank you! :wink:
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Acthala, Siege Mode Siege Tanks are buildings by my definition of Warcraft things

Unit: Footman, Steam Tank, Firelord, Zergling
Building: Cannon Tower, Siege Mode Siege Tank, Barracks

I said UNITS, as in things you can move around without having to transform them into something else. Normal mode siege tanks can have a bone_turret, I'll give you that, but their base will still rotate to face the enemy thanks to Warcraft coding

Unless you're changed said coding, which has nothing at all to do with this topic
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
So, Abriko, to test this I made a Cannon Tower, the most obvious source of a bone-turret thing I could find, replace a Rifleman

I must admit it was interesting to see the cannons turn on their own to face the target, however the bases were not happy with being left standing still so they also felt it nessesary to turn, albiet at not the same time as there cannons
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