Turn-based Random Battles

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Level 4
Feb 1, 2008
I'm working on creating a map with random monster battles with turn-based combat. Obviously, this is fairly difficult to do, so if anyone knows of a good map that has this style of combat in it and isn't protected, I would appreciate knowing of it.

Also, if anyone has made or worked on a system like this, tips would be appreciated!

Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Final Fantasy games (the ones based on the real FF series, incl storyline) and Hero RPG (can be DLed at wc3campaigns.com) have turn-based combat systems. However, I think it would be pretty easy to do with simple triggers.

  • Events
    • Every X seconds of the game
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • Set Combatmode = 0
    • Set RANDOM = Random number between 1 and 100
    • If (All conditions are true) then do (Then actions), else do (Elso actions)
      • If
        • RANDOM is less then 10
      • Then
        • Whatever you want to do to enter battle
      • Else
    • Set CombatMode = CombatMode + 1
    • Set Unit1_ATB_Gauge = 0
    • Set Unit2_ATB_Gauge = 0
  • Events
    • Every 1 seconds of the game
  • Conditions
    • CombatMode is equal to 1
  • Actions
    • Set Unit1_ATB_Gauge = Unit1_ATB_Gauge + 1
    • Set Unit2_ATB_Gauge = Unit2_ATB_Gauge + 1
      • If (All conditions are true) then do (Then actions), else do (Else actions)
        • If
          • Unit1_ATB_Gauge is equal to 100
        • Then
          • Whatever you want to let him do
        • Else
      • If (All conditions are true) then do (Then actions), else do (Else actions)
        • If
          • Unit2_ATB_Gauge is equal to 100
        • Then
          • Whatever you want him to do
        • Else
  • etc.
This idea is just out of scratch. I don't have WE available at the moment and I've never checked the Final Fantasy games or any other games using this system, but I think this should just do the trick in an easy way.
Level 4
Feb 1, 2008
I appreciate your help guys. Right now, I've got a fairly decent system working.

Basically, I'm making a large region (for the random battle areas) which, when entered, turns on a trigger for determining when a battle occurs. Within that large region, i have many smaller regions which yield a random number when entered (if random number less than 2, then it runs battle setup trigger). It's a lot of work making all the regions, but it really makes it seem... uh... more accurately comparable to old school RPG's.

The actual battle system is probably the hardest part. I've got a decent setup now though where the game produces a random number of enemies depending on which area you entered the battle from. The fighters are paused until it becomes their turn (an integer variable determines that), and a trigger runs which makes the monsters use a random ability depending on what monster it is. It's a bit more complex though, having to make extra triggers to determine when they've used their move, preventing multiple ability usage, detecting the type of ability used to run the trigger for that particular custom ability, etc.

It's a pretty simple design, but it works very well so far. I might upload a demo soon just so people can see the method I used.

I'll go check out that Tactics Unleashed game here in a while, too. o.0
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