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Trying to remember the name of this map...

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Level 1
Feb 19, 2009
I played this defense/survival map a long time ago, and I am really craving to play it again but I can't remember the name of the map. You played as a samurai or ninja with cool moves and defend a giant world tree at the middle of the small map. There would be giant spiders or demons coming from all directions sort of in lanes that were separated by trees. These demons would drop health orbs or something when killed.

That's pretty much all I remember. Appreciate if anyone could name this map!
Level 1
Feb 19, 2009
I found it! The map I was looking for wasn't Kitabatake's Blades and Gore II (although that map is also very fun!). I found the map I was looking for by going through Clan TDG's website. The name of the map is "A Stand of Blades" by CHUNK if anybody wants to know.

Thanks for the help!
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