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Trolls with Burning Weapons

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Happy 2022, Hive Workshop!!

I hope this new year is off to a good start for everyone! After all, a new year means a new beginning.
Anyway, I digress. I have plans to implement Particle Emitter 2 special effects on Troll Axethrowers, Shadow Priests, Headhunters and Berserkers.
I know I must have the Texture called "Cloud8x8.blp" and sets things to Additive, and I know that Segment 1 is the base of the fire, and Segment 3 is the tip of the flame. My real issue, of course, is that numbers confuse me, and so I do not know where to put the fire effect.

If you could help me, that's great. If you are unable, then that's totally fine.

  • Axethrower
  • Shadow Priest
- Berserker
Level 24
Apr 3, 2018
Should have posted it in the Modeling forum.

Which part of making a particle emitter are you stuck on?
When I was starting to work with particle emitters, it was helpful to take a screenshot of a standard fire emitter's settings in a Blizzard model for reference when making a new one in another model.
If you are using Clouds8x8 or similar gridded texture then the example emitter should also be one with an 8x8 texture, there's an animation setting for cycling the different phases of each individual particle (from top left corner down to bottom right of the texture). Without these settings each particle would show an 8x8 grid instead of one cloud at a time.

Another thing is figuring out how to edit the node's position in the skeleton. The emitter must be attached to the weapon's or hand's node, and you need to write down its coordinates (if in Magos). You can look up the coordinates in MdlVis, or copy the weapon node's coordinates and adjust them slightly.
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Should have posted it in the Modeling forum.

Which part of making a particle emitter are you stuck on?
When I was starting to work with particle emitters, it was helpful to take a screenshot of a standard fire emitter's settings in a Blizzard model for reference when making a new one in another model.
If you are using Clouds8x8 or similar gridded texture then the example emitter should also be one with an 8x8 texture, there's an animation setting for cycling the different phases of each individual particle (from top left corner down to bottom right of the texture). Without these settings each particle would show an 8x8 grid instead of one cloud at a time.

Another thing is figuring out how to edit the node's position in the skeleton. The emitter must be attached to the weapon's or hand's node, and you need to write down its coordinates (if in Magos). You can look up the coordinates in MdlVis, or copy the weapon node's coordinates and adjust them slightly.
Alright. Thank you.
I think I got this. I will let you know if I need help.
Edit: Actually, I do need help (and my bad for not showing you images earlier, and forgetting to put this under the Modeling forum).
I tried using the Cloud8x8, but like you said, it shows me an entire grid instead of something animated. I tried adjusting so it's animated, to no avail.
You mention an "example emitter?" Here's what I've done, and perhaps you could help me.
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