How to make a berserker-like upgrade.

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Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
So basically I am making a building that can make Forest Troll Priests, Dark Troll Priests, and Ice Troll Priest and I want to make three upgrades that replaces each priest with a High Priest, I already copied the original Berserker upgrade for each troll and replaced all of the appropriate units and such for the upgrade (ex. where it said Berserker I put in High Priest and where it said Headhunter I put regular priest). I saw that the Orc Barracks trains both Headhunters and Berserkers but it will only train either or, but with my building it is able to train both priest and high priest ( I dont want it to do that). I hope I didn't confuse you, help would be greatly appreciated!
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
  • High Priests
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Player - Make Ice Troll High Priest Unavailable for training/construction by Player 1 (Red)
      • Player - Make Forest Troll High Priest Unavailable for training/construction by Player 1 (Red)
      • Player - Make Dark Troll High Priest Unavailable for training/construction by Player 1 (Red)
Level 2
Oct 10, 2012
  • High Priests
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Replace (Picked unit) with a Ice Troll High Priest using The new unit's default life and mana
      • Player - Make Ice Troll High Priest Unavailable for training/construction by Player 1 (Red)
      • Player - Make Forest Troll High Priest Unavailable for training/construction by Player 1 (Red)
      • Player - Make Dark Troll High Priest Unavailable for training/construction by Player 1 (Red)

I got quite confused does this look right so far?
Create a new trigger, so that when someone finishes training -
If then Else
If- Conditioins-
Unit type is ice priest/etc etc
Pick every unit in units owned by player of type- priest then do actions
Loop-Actions- replace picked unit with Ice High priest
Else- Actions-
If then Else(then the next set of priests)
Level 9
Nov 19, 2011
That was what I mean. 2nd trigger. If you will leave it as is, units will not be replaced while you will finish upgrade. You have to add following trigger. Of course MyUpgrade, UPG, IceTroll and IceTrollBerserker are examples only. You can specify your own names and as much units to replace as you wish as well as graphic/sound effects.

  • UPG
    • Events
      • Unit - Unit finishes upgrade
    • Conditions
      • Upgrade reached equals MyUpgrade
    • Actions
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in playable map area and do (loop)
        • If (multiple conditions)
          • Conditions
            • Unit Type of (Picked Unit) equals IceTroll
          • Actions (Then)
            • Unit - Replace (Picked Unit) with IceTrollBerserker
          • Actions (False)
            • Do nothing
Of course this is custom effect, so you can use more than 4 effects with one upgrade from techtree, so you can replace all three units at once.
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